Example sentences of "seems [verb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That 's what It seems that you do n't It seems to affect the immediate folk and not many other folks nowadays .
2 The more so at Augusta , the arrival of which each year seems to signal the happy end of winter hibernation .
3 Th th the trouble is the government seems to go the other way , and er , when when it should be learning my opinion , lowering the age at which you receive your pension , they want to extend the age into which you have to work .
4 Also , the drug seems to inhibit the viral DNA polymerase enzyme much more effectively than it does the DNA polymerase used by the cell to copy its own DNA .
5 He seems to treat the whole incident almost like a scientific experiment , albeit a deadly serious one , with great precision and planning and a kind of coldness .
6 ’ Typically , Morrissey seems to cherish the very constraints and despondency of a now disappearing England , fetishize the lost limits .
7 It only seems to include the experimental model drawn from the natural sciences .
8 Largely as a result of Wedd 's enthusiasm , I found myself becoming irresistibly attracted to the Scots pine — the solitary tree as well as the clump — not just as a potential ley mark point , but as something in its own right , I was not alone : legend seems to confirm the special nature of the pine .
9 The data seems to support the first belief : of those who had had some experience of unemployment in the previous five years , 0.480 said they would be prepared to break the law , whereas only 0.300 of those who had no such experience were ( a difference of +0.180 ) .
10 Unlike grommets , adenoidectomy seems to modify the underlying pathophysiology of chronic otitis media with effusion — making it our initial surgical procedure of choice in cases of severe , persistent effusion .
11 The idea of the super-ego seems to encompass the Christian concept of the conscience , and describes those moments when we feel restrained in our actions ( ‘ I am letting myself down ’ or ‘ I am letting my ideal person down ’ kinds of feelings ) .
12 Just try and remember what we were doing but the pig about resistance is it 's one over and think ooh we 're all into weird fractions and everything seems to work the opposite way round to the way you 'd expect it .
13 Even though he may pay lip service to the idea that there are probably many breaks not yet discovered , nevertheless almost every geologist seems to accept the above doctrine , albeit subconsciously .
14 Its beating a path to Hewlett-Packard Co 's door seems to indicate the final demise of Intel 's 80860 as a mainstream system-level CPU .
15 Policy-making in this area is deliberately pluralist , mopping up political energies , providing a reassuring appearance of controversy and popular influence , and sustaining a needs-orientated ideology which seems to indicate the social neutrality of state policy .
16 There is thus a gap between rapid acquisition of complex and highly abstract knowledge by individuals with very limited cognitive resources and the degenerate information , in the form of spoken language , which seems to provide the only source of information the child has to work on .
17 In other words , the intervention of consciousness in either a developed form ( Wigner 's friend ) or at a more rudimentary level ( Schrödinger 's cat ) seems to provide the latest link in the chain at which the matter could be settled .
18 I suspect it is no accident the politics of the times seems to parallel the growing toughness of the police image , or that the police have taken on an increasing resemblance to the black-clothed enemies of goodness who sprinkle the popular science fantasy films such as Star Wars , Superman , and the like .
19 The adopted position seems to reflect the current situation in countries such as France and Germany .
20 Astral travel seems to mimic the sudden disappearance of Philip after baptising the Ethiopian eunuch and his reappearance at Azotus ( Acts 8:39,40 ) .
21 Most of these have been used at one time or another but still the TL 072 op.amp seems to combine the best characteristics at a reasonable price .
22 They do n't think it 's what they call ‘ right ’ for women to do jobs like castrations , and it seems to embarrass the poor dears to talk of putting heifers to the bull and dealing with calving cases , or to discuss the sexual behaviour of their animals . ’
23 Editor , — Robert Bluglass seems to bypass the essential problem in community care of mentally ill people — namely , chronic schizophrenia in which insight is lost .
24 The argument as I have presented it seems to require the first reading of this crucial sentence ; on the second reading we get , not a regress of justification , but a demonstration of justification which is only successful in certain conditions .
25 Blake repeats his earlier position , summoning the notion of equity between dischargers as a bargaining tactic to support his case , which seems to win the tacit approval of some of the directors present .
26 The description given seems to fit the previous attack on the first of June , when a 20 year old student was raped in the toilets in Magdalen Street .
27 Any notion of the Government playing a role in increasing the provision of child care seems to escape the Prime Minister .
28 Moreover , rather as substance dualism tends to do , it seems to undermine the causal role of consciousness in , for example , bringing about or influencing actions .
29 This is easy to do but please do not try to hurry up the process up as ‘ slow and steady ’ seems to give the best results and takes less time than trying to hurry .
30 We must always question the use of deception in research , but in this case the public and professional importance of the question being asked seems to justify the small element of deception .
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