Example sentences of "seemed [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Marc seemed unaware of the effect of this spectacular setting .
32 In this situation it seemed appropriate for the staff at Perth College to offer educational opportunities which would parallel those available in other music fields .
33 The choice of film seemed appropriate on the day the simmering dispute boiled over with growing frustration and bitterness among the staff , many of whom attended the Clapham train disaster and are veterans of dealing with the aftermath of IRA bomb blasts .
34 This left only 20 per cent who reported a degree of pain which seemed appropriate to the nature and amount of their injury .
35 The long thin mouth was pulled down at the corners like a tragic mask , the eyes were hooded , the shoulders hunched , head bent forward so that the man 's gaze seemed fixed on the surface of the table .
36 Clutching his mono TV licence , the householder seemed nervous as the TV licence enforcement officer approached the set .
37 Hollywood 's fictional mode seemed worthless to the lovers of the other arts although they were rarely honest about either the problems facing film-makers or their own responses to the diversified output of the studios .
38 The judge seemed unimpressed by the argument that a rail strike would cause ‘ enormous public inconvenience ’ .
39 Tom said he is fascinated to learn that her perky personality seemed unchanged in the spirit world .
40 Juron also seemed conscious of the exposure factor .
41 Almost every major work of scholarship written in the past six or seven years on recent British political history has taken a far more balanced view of him than seemed likely at the time of his death .
42 However , the point to notice is how the data seemed ideal for the investigation as conceived : intimate life-histories are central to the project .
43 However conditions seemed promising in the morning and we set off with lunch packs in our bags and hope in our hearts ! on the two-hour boat run there are always lots of birds to look at , and soon after we left ‘ the narrows ’ of the harbour entrance we were aware of black-browed albatrosses .
44 But back at WHS headquarters , Sir Malcolm seemed unperturbed by the commentaries , pointing out that the group had not had a reduction in profits for ‘ many , many years ’ .
45 The greengrocer seemed unperturbed by the import of what he was saying .
46 Mrs Singh seemed bewildered by the amount of information she had been given .
47 When she glanced back at him he seemed comfortable with the silence , watching the rain and the lake , his blue eyes , not so different in colour from that storm-tossed lake , appreciative and thoughtful .
48 Andropulos , whom Grierson had reported as having a remarkable affinity for scotch , seemed relaxed to the point of garrulity .
49 Looking back , the superintendent 's solution seemed obvious to the sergeant .
50 When I designed the L.game it seemed obvious from the rules I had written that the pieces could be picked up and placed anywhere on the board .
51 Dismissing Paisley 's support as ‘ a fascist organization masquerading under the cloak of religion … deluding a lot of sincere people … hell-bent on provoking religious strife in Northern Ireland ’ , he seemed unprepared for the reaction against him within his own party .
52 Within days steps were taken in the Republic to challenge the Sunningdale proposals since the apparent agreement regarding the statue of Northern Ireland seemed inconsistent with the constitution .
53 It has to do partly with the feeling , particularly powerful in the 19th century , that the proper role of education , at least at the top end , was to equip gentlemen to run the Empire ; and it seemed reasonable at the time to concentrate not upon mechanics , but upon grand ideals , and the classics were studied as if they were a form of theology , a way of revealing fundamental and lasting human truths This , perhaps , is why anti-science is strongest in Britain , because we took Empire most seriously .
54 It was quite a large room , though the huge wood veneered desk seemed equal to the task of filling half of it .
55 In patients with abnormal scores before treatment , quality of life seemed better in the chemotherapy arm .
56 Overall , there was no difference between the two patient groups , though in patients with abnormal scores before treatment the quality of life seemed better in the chemotherapy group .
57 In patients with symptomatic disease , the quality of life , in fact , seemed better in the chemotherapy arm despite its common association with mild to moderate gastrointestinal side effects .
58 The animals seemed healthy during the experiment .
59 The senator , ever affable , seemed unworried at the thought of taking the Maggot into polite society .
60 Two inscriptions from the early fourth century show that it did not always do so ( Tod 103 , 108 = WV 7 , HD 20 ) : they have the unusual opening formula ‘ it seemed good to the Council ’ .
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