Example sentences of "need [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If your drivers are older than those shipped with LIFESPAN , you need to replace them with the LIFESPAN versions .
2 No one would travel in that manner who could help it — who had time to go leisurely over hills and between hedges , instead of through tunnels and between banks ; at least those who would , have no sense of beauty so acute that we need to consult it at the station .
3 If the garment shape was design in a previous session , you need to load it from the disk before you can begin to integrate .
4 My point is a very short one , I I simply need to put it on the record that it is erm our position that the panel should distribute the er ove York overspill , if I can call it that , as well , that the panel should address the issue of distribution , because our fear is th is th is is is the Selby problem , that Selby are embarked upon a clear strategy of er substantial growth , and we do not want to see er the Greater York overspill being unduly er dir funnelled channelled in that direction .
5 We need to keep them within the national health service work force and to make better use of their additional skills .
6 All we need do is experience and acknowledge our Shadow self , so that we no longer need to project it onto the outside world .
7 We need to get them in the league .
8 Every event that you choose for your life , no matter how destructive , chaotic or miserable it may seem , has been allowed to manifest because your Wholeness has an innate knowledge of those things you need to get you to the place where you will choose to sink deeply within , into the stillness of who you are .
9 This wo n't tell you where they would make a mistake if they tried to spell it themselves ; so you need to add it to the collection of words from writing as in Method 1 .
10 I therefore need to ask you about the article and what happened subsequently .
11 We need to bring them into the light and recognise them so that we may dispatch them . ’
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