Example sentences of "need [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The picture then has changed and we now need to plan for increasing numbers of those with chronic illnesses needing specialist community care — not just volunteers , although volunteers continue to have a vitally important role to play .
2 In such hard cases , as also in the ones where either of these interests conflicts with the interests of humans , we need to proceed by careful study of all the local factors and not by general principles .
3 Again , as with Ichthus , we see that the training of leaders is written into the church planting strategy , and it is clear that for churches to grow they need to invest in more leaders .
4 The sort of questions your adviser will ask are : whether you are investing for income now or capital growth in the future ; whether you need to go for absolute security with every penny you have or whether you can afford slightly more risky investments in the hope of making more money in the long run ; what other sources of income you have , or might expect to receive .
5 This is one of the things I want you to se see today and this wonderful film I was gon na show today and I hope I 'll show next week , third time lucky , they actually interview the wives , the polygynous wives of of some erm erm guy in Africa , some African erm and they to them they actually ask the wives , why do you , you know why are you married to this man and they say well he feeds us , you know th that 's why we 're married to him , he gives us food and he 's apparently got five this particular man they interviewed , three of them were active and two of them were elderly , and the three active wives are quite open about the fact that this man 's a good provider and therefore they stay with him , but they , they would n't in the case of Australian Aborigines , they would n't stay if they did n't get fed and they only get fed because he 's a good hunter and to be a good hunter you need to go on good terms of men and that 's how it works .
6 it 's not gon na be the sort of thing you need to go into small groups and and discuss
7 There 's also a general view in the community that community care itself is not necessarily really working very well , there 's some fears about it , some uncertainties and a member did mention , it may have been Jim you know or somebody mentioned about the seven hours domiciliary , from my experience as a councillor I am not sure that simply because that figure exists that that means that that is satisfying the need of those people and in any case the sort of people who need to go into residential care , who can no longer be maintained in their home , with whatever help we give them or with whatever help their family have to give them they 're not necessarily the sort of people who we 're talking about need to go in a home .
8 But we need to go beyond simplistic simulations .
9 And sometimes as well as going this way we actually need to go in this way too , to actually get it out .
10 Changing to a vegetarian diet is a big step as the body needs to adjust to different foods and sources of protein and you need to cope with new methods of cooking and shopping .
11 The crossed poles structure gives the stability you need to cope with high winds , together with a good space to weight ration .
12 Doctors need to retrain for eight months .
13 Dr Riddoch , of Bristol university , says : ‘ To be effective you need to concentrate on one exercise or part of the body .
14 Outdoors , sound will ‘ evaporate ’ , so you need to compensate with more power .
15 These muscles have the function of keeping us upright against the ever-present force of gravity ; they have the advantage of never tiring as they need to work for long periods at a time .
16 There is a growing body of professional opinion that senior managers in secondary schools face and increasing need to work in close collaboration if they are to meet this challenge effectively .
17 I need to work in pleasant surroundings
18 We need to communicate with each other on a regularly basis over all the issues that have been raised .
19 ( Others besides embalmers need to worry about public reaction ! )
20 They may think that they are realistically aware of what they are letting themselves in for and what they need to know about each other 's strengths and weaknesses .
21 She and her partner , woman or man , need to know about dental dams .
22 These guides are not absolutely essential ( the outline on nutrition in Chapter 4 tells you all you really need to know about healthy eating ) , but they can be very interesting ; the better ones give information about foods under specific brand names .
23 It includes everything you need to know about healthy eating , sport and exercise , along with tips on looking good and relaxation .
24 The association produces two useful booklets : Carpet Facts ( which tells you all you need to know about different types of carpet and how to choose the right colours and designs for your home ) ; and Carpet Care ( which gives tips on cleaning and maintenance ) .
25 ‘ I need to know about these men , ’ she said , suddenly looking straight into his eyes .
26 Thucydides does not tell us all we need to know about these encroachments on Peloponnesian League allies , and there are other encroachments which he scarcely mentions at all .
27 a book mark of the information you need to know about English A Levels .
28 • All you need to know about herbal medicines
29 you know you need to know like six months before
30 However , when we become adults we tend to think we 've learnt everything we need to know in this area and stop practising .
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