Example sentences of "like [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The T&G would like to support her with a clear conscience and every left-of-centre statement from her helps .
2 I 've been buying your magazine religiously for the last 18 months and would like to thank you for a great read .
3 I 'd like to thank you for the feature Redundancy — Your Survival Guide ( September GH ) .
4 And sir , both of you , both you sir , Mr and you sir , Mr , er I would like to thank you for the way in the way you have conducted this enquiry .
5 I would like to thank you for the interest you have shown in this post .
6 Erm , and I also understand that this is the first time you 've actually had someone from the private sector , er , whose been invited to er , address your A G M so , I 'd like to thank you for the privilege , and for also for the opportunity to speak on a subject which I personally er , find of of great interest .
7 ‘ We really appreciate your responsibility and concern and would like to thank you for the clear and reasonable explanation given . ’
8 Let's have a look at how you manage your time at the moment and how you 'd like to reorganize it for the future .
9 You may like to compare it with a list of your own .
10 I would like to see them for the Falls .
11 I would like to see them for the Shankill .
12 I 'd like to see them in the first division .
13 Yes I w I I would think so I mean it it wo n't occur in five minutes of course erm and I I would still say that I would like to see them in the six yard box more often .
14 He also said that he found his responsibilities ‘ a very great strain ’ , because his aunt was such a difficult , domineering person , and he would like to see her in a Home — partly because she needed more care and more company .
15 ‘ Of course I 'd like to see you with a few sheep , my lass , sheep being so close to my heart .
16 ‘ If I have to look at you , ’ Aunt Emily said without rancour , ‘ I should like to see you in a new dress .
17 ‘ When you 're through , sir , the CO would like to see you in the Orderly Tent . ’
18 President of the Europe Commission , Jacques Delors , would like to see it as the only EC currency , but John Majors wants it to circulate alongside other currencies .
19 Yes I 'd like to see it for a day or two but not for a fortnight
20 We 're talking about a lot of money here , that has been spent , and has continued to be spent , and the sooner we get it sorted out the better , and I 'd like to see it on the agenda of the next budget review committee , which would prior to the policy committee , I believe next , and so we could perhaps augment er , Mr 's report with some findings of our own .
21 In a recent NCT survey , 19 out of 20 British people said they approved of breastfeeding in principle , but did n't like to see it in a public place .
22 If the three volumes had a thematic heart ( in fact their whole method defies centralisation ) one might like to see it in the dialogue of Legolas and Gimli , walking through Minas Tirith at III , 149 , and looking at the masonry .
24 I 'd like to punch him in the face for his insolence .
25 ‘ I would like him to contact the police incase he can help but also because I would like to shake him by the hand .
26 I should like to inform him of an exercise that is being carried out by Doug Bulmer , the president of the British Association of Colliery Management .
27 Wo would you like to try it for the next year , or few meetings ?
28 THESE questions , about men who have played an innings of 300 or more , are moderately easy , and the reader might like to tackle them without a reference book , at least to begin with .
29 Perhaps they would like to choose it for the next one .
30 Well what I do is like put it on a tray , right what we do is in the night right and if you 'd stayed up late I 'd put cheese
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