Example sentences of "particularly [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In practice , the user relies on overall policy control of the Government ( particularly through the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ) , as well as consumer controls ( e.g. through consultative councils ) , to help validate ‘ return on capital ’ .
2 The hands harbour the resident flora ( p. 74 ) and also perhaps transient flora ( p. 75 ) particularly between the fingers and under the nails and even immediately after washing , a few colonies of microorganisms can be cultured .
3 To bring in the international comparative aspects of the project , foreign participation is being sought at all stages — particularly for the case-studies and attitude survey where participation is likely from France , the Federal Republic of Germany , and possibly Italy and Canada .
4 and so you know looking back on it , was all rather funny but erm , it was n't at the time of course particularly for the children and erm mothers .
5 That the social dimensions of language in Britain , and particularly of the languages and dialects of minority communities , should be specifically studied as part of the training of all teachers , and be seen as an essential major element for any teacher of language .
6 That the social dimensions of language in Britain , and particularly of the languages and dialects of minority communities , should be specifically studied as part of the training of all teachers , and be seen as an essential major element for any teacher of languages .
7 He is an authority on , and collector of Victorian paintings particularly of the pre-Raphaelites and he is a bon vivant .
8 The DEDNI 's suggestion that it might encourage companies to testdrill on Cavehill , particularly for gold , has led to the formation of the Save the Cavehill Campaign in Belfast , while in west Belfast the Black Mountain Action Committee is trying to save the Mountain from disappearing through quarrying activities — the committee has found local people to be suffering from health problems , particularly of the eyes and throat , related to dust from the quarrying .
9 Once stage three gets underway , however , the librarian finds that bibliographies of the subject tend to cut across classification boundaries with impunity , particularly in the humanities and social sciences , and a too rigid adherence to classification numbers means that a good deal of the material which is not easily pigeon-holed can escape the selection net .
10 In contrast , school-age children are most at risk to hazards in the outdoors environment , particularly in the roads and in the school playground .
11 Particularly in the streets that have undergone a great deal of change since the war , like the street where I live myself , which is another thing that prompted me to , to go into the research in the first place , which is erm a house of small Victorian erm I believe the estate agents call them artisans ' cottages , and this kind of area which , there 's a great deal of this sort of property in Brighton , has undergone enormous changes since the war from being multi-occupied before the war , with one family on each floor , were regarded immediately after the war as slums and were scheduled for demolition , but they 've been a great lease of life all over the country , this sort of property , and been subjected to a process which has come to be known as gentrification , which has meant that when the middle class could n't afford to , to buy semi-detached in suburbs they took to buying this kind of smaller property in town centres , thereby introducing a whole new element into streets that had never seen these , this kind of things done to houses before .
12 In and near Moscow are a number of other monasteries and churches built between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries , all of Byzantine character but displaying individually Russian features particularly in the domes and the stepped ogee , triangular and rounded shell formations ( called kokoshniki ) which topped the main building and acted as a base for the tower or cupola drums .
13 It is usually accompanied by a firm clipping of the heels together and is noticeable in all mazurkas and polonaises , particularly in the steps that Saint-Léon called the promenade , cabriole and pas sissonne ( see page 121 ) .
14 Can the Minister confirm that they included representations to ensure that any rundown in the Territorial Army in Scotland will not mean there being insufficient units in Scotland , to the point at which the TA will lose the goodwill of the scattered communities , particularly in the highlands and islands , in terms of recruitment ?
15 The 1985 Transport Act requires local authorities to make explicit decisions on the value of maintaining public transport services , particularly in the evenings and on Sundays .
16 Ghandi , I think , in the early eighties epitomised , to a large degree , and attitude of concern about erm violence , and I think that in some large measure the sort of recognition that it gained , particularly in the awards and so on , had a lot to do with its subject matter as against it 's actual execution , and I think that if it had been at another time , or if the subject matter had n't been erm quite as powerful as that old genius 's life was , I do n't think it would have won the awards .
17 That 's a very odd moment for the government to load on up to seventeen and a half percent er there which would er threaten I think , the existence of a number of newspapers , particularly in the provinces but also possible at the national level and that would be a great shame .
18 Many , particularly from The Times and Sunday Times , had been on the papers in Gray 's Inn Road and Printing House Square all their working lives , and for most of them the strike was about more than trade-union principles .
19 The Hip and Thigh Diet , a recent book by Rosemary Conley , recommends a diet and series of exercises to help lose weight , particularly from the hips and thighs .
20 Criticism of the phenomenological approach to RE was given in Chapter 4 , particularly on the grounds that in practice it tends to lose touch with much of the religion it sets out to understand and include .
21 It has taste buds on various parts of its fins and body , but particularly on the barbels and lips .
22 Certainly these reforms have been very unpopular in rural areas , particularly among the farmers and landowners who have seen their personal dominance finally slipping away in the merger with urban areas .
23 Nationally , the polls suggest Labour is still short of the unprecedented swing needed to guarantee an overall majority , although if mood — particularly among the politicians and media most closely associated with the campaign — is a pointer to the outcome of the election then the Tories have lost .
24 But the most eminent of all the Dictionary possessors in Virginia was Thomas Jefferson , in whose Garden Book ( 1766–1824 ) are many references to his 1768 edition , particularly regarding the trees and vegetables at Monticello his high country home overlooking Charlottesville .
25 Since Fate was the power that kept order in the universe , as revealed particularly by the stars and planets , the prevalence of Stoicism influenced the growing belief in astrology in Hellenistic times and in the days of the Roman empire .
26 REMOVAL of inheritance tax from farm land and buildings may yet be seen as a mixed blessing for the farming industry , particularly by the sons and daughters of farming families .
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