Example sentences of "gave her a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I ought to have introduced myself , ’ said the young man , as though prompted by this accidental intimacy , and gave her a dazzled smile .
2 He looked surprised to see Cassie standing by the front door but gave her a friendly wave and began to walk up the path .
3 They shared a commiserating smile , and Mick put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a friendly hug .
4 Her bruised face gave her a new look of vulnerability .
5 When Monday came , her misery gave her a new edge of ruthless efficiency , so that she hardly hesitated in rejecting some of the more out-of-condition stock that the retiring owner tried to include in the valuation .
6 Her marriage to Prince Charles gave her a new security , not only in giving her status , but also because she could at first rely on him as something of a father figure , or at any rate a slightly square older brother .
7 ‘ She must have wormed her way into Topaz 's confidence , maybe gave her a new recipe for ginger biscuits or something , who knows ? ’
8 It also made her want to find out more about the girl , and gave her a terrible desire to tease Bob about her .
9 She squeezed his hand underneath the table and he gave her a darting smile in response .
10 He gave her a withering look .
11 He gave her a withering look .
12 Zach gave her a withering glance but it was so overdramatic she and the others burst out laughing .
13 While she was absorbing that little gem , ‘ I never thought I would ever accept a working wife , but , ’ he paused and gave her a private smile , ‘ if that 's what my darling wants , I just ca n't stand in the way of her choice to continue working . ’
14 Ron gave her a bad-tempered look .
15 It fitted and gave her a perky look .
16 I doubt he gave her a second thought , once he 'd pulled his trousers back on and ushered her into the first available taxi .
17 She passed several men , but none gave her a second glance .
18 He gave her a long look .
19 Rohan gave her a long look , then strode over to the clump of bushes she indicated .
20 He gave her a long look , and then he laughed .
21 He gave her a long look .
22 He gave her a long look , smiled , and went out to his car .
23 Doyle gave her a long stare .
24 He rested his hand on her shoulder and gave her a long kiss on the lips .
25 Thacker put his hands back in his pockets and gave her a pitying look .
26 The girl gave her a pitying smile .
27 Running like this , with the mad south-west wind behind her , gave her a glorious sense of freedom , for her exercise had been terribly limited for the past five weeks .
28 Marc gave her a freezing glance .
29 Michele gave her a mocking look , which intensified as colour came in to her cheeks .
30 He gave her a mocking smile .
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