Example sentences of "gave me [art] little [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And he gave me a little master glass in cinema acting which I 've never forgotten
2 When I was twelve , and I got baptized , erm a lady gave me a little text and it was from Joshua chapter one and it was verse nine and it says have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be terrified , do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go and that 's a verse that I 've been able to remember and to thank God for on so many different occasions all through my training as a doctor and it 's , all the promises in the bible are absolutely true and you can rely on them because it 's not a book written by men but it 's a book written by God .
3 I 'd go for it if I were you , ’ he said , and he gave me a little peck on the cheek .
4 She gave me a little wink , because , of course , they were pointing their telescopic lenses mostly at me .
5 ‘ They even gave me a little bed , ’ said Masklin .
6 I say ‘ solitary c. ’ because they gave me a little ward of my own , but it was anything but uncomfortable , as they gave me a treatment which ‘ private ward ’ patients in Britain might envy , except that the food of course was Chinese , and they insisted on giving me 5 meals a day , so that I had some trouble getting my appetite back to normal .
7 Yes , I know they just gave me a little walk on part .
8 I finished my visit to room four with a parting shaft which gave me a little comfort .
9 Well when that Joe and Annie got married Joe gave me the little purse with a threepenny bit in .
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