Example sentences of "gave [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 AN America banker , accused of embezzling $13m and sparking a financial crisis in the state of Rhode Island , yesterday gave himself up to the authorities .
2 Connolly gave himself up to the police and was charged with damage to the cell amounting to ten shillings .
3 Following the United States invasion of Panama on Dec. 20 to remove Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega from power [ see pp. 37112-13 ] , Noriega on Jan. 3 voluntarily left the papal nunciature , where he had sought refuge , and gave himself up to the US authorities after being persuaded by the papal nuncio , Mgr José Sebastián Laboa , that asylum in a third country was not a viable option .
4 On Oct. 6 Klaus Kuron , 54 , who had worked since 1962 for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution ( Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz — BfV ) , gave himself up to the authorities and was formally arrested shortly afterwards .
5 Paula was just 16 , when her boyfriend , whose name was not given , went to his probation officer then gave himself up to the police .
6 Piggott , 57 , gave himself much of the credit for the victory , cheekily telling trainer Richard Hannon : ‘ I rode a brilliant race , did n't I. ’
7 The feel of him inside her spread warmth through every part of her until her body relaxed completely and gave itself up to the purest pleasure .
8 For one day , it seems the country gave itself over to the pursuit of all things musical , in a wholehearted and thoroughly charitably-minded fashion .
9 She gave herself up to the water almost gratefully .
10 Now though she stifled that feeling and gave herself up to the joy of being in his arms and hearing how long and how deeply he had loved her .
11 She loved listening to the well-known tunes , and gave herself up to the beauty of the music .
12 Mrs Gray was more relaxed now than when she had received Theodora a couple of hours ago and Theodora gave herself up to the pleasure of walking through the church yard to the church door .
13 Her eyes drifted shut and she gave herself up to the kiss 's magic , her own lips even more gentle and tentative than his .
14 His lips seemed to draw out from her all that was sweet , all that was female , and she gave herself up to the moment with an abandon that shocked her .
15 Before she could answer he pulled her close again and any thoughts of answering fled as she gave herself up to the excitement .
16 A sigh escaped her , and as she gave herself up to the pleasure of his embrace her arm rose to entwine about his neck .
17 And although Lucy made a valiant effort to control her quickening breath , the mad thumping of her heart and the heated excitement rising within her , it was a losing battle — and at last she gave herself up to the rapturous bliss of the moment .
18 Her eyes closed as her lips parted , then she gave herself up to the joy of feeling his heart begin to thud .
19 There was a long moment when she strove to clutch on to her dwindling resistance , then something seemed to make it snap , and she gave herself up to the delicious agony of his touch , helpless in his smouldering embrace .
20 Shutting her eyes to the inevitability of what lay ahead , she gave herself up to the ride as he took her higher and higher into the peaks , following a winding route off the main road that was little used .
21 Then , as he stirred , her body came alive and at last , matching the rhythm of his , she once more gave herself up to the unashamed pleasure of loving and being loved by him .
22 Her hands stole up his chest , then to his shoulders , and finally she clasped them behind his neck and gave herself up to the pleasure of the kiss .
23 Exhausted , she gave herself up to the motion .
24 Having , however , decided upon that course , Fabia felt yet more light-headed , and gave herself up to the pleasure of her walk with Ven .
25 She was n't good at being silly , but she gave herself over to the moment .
26 His mouth came gently to her neck and she gave herself again to the lion .
27 Then the two ladies gave themselves up to the Favaid-i-Osmaniyeh , a Turkish company running steamers to Trebizond .
28 Both gave themselves up to the glory of their passion , until , in a mind-spinning , flooding moment , they became as one .
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