Example sentences of "gave [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A FEW MONTHS AGO I GAVE MY IMPRESSIONS of the sort of thing a typical record critic tends to look for in putting together a review .
2 Land was often acquired for little or nothing ; in many places the citizens and those living within the jurisdiction of a town gave their services in the building of walls , the equivalent , it may be argued , of a tax intended to cover building expenses .
3 Books of Remembrance record the names of over 125,000 and women who gave their lives in the Service , and Roll of Honour commemorates over 19,000 US airmen who died on active service while serving in the UK .
4 A memorial ‘ to commemorate the eternal memory of those American , British , Belgian and Commonwealth airmen who gave their lives in the course of freedom , 1943–1945 , prompts our thoughts , ‘ Lest We Forget ’ .
5 The clock was installed in 1920 with money raised by the parishioners with the intention of creating a long-lasting memorial to those who served and gave their lives in the First World War .
6 We dedicate this memorial to those of the Three Hundred and Ninetieth Bombardment Group who were stationed here in World War Two , gave their lives in the fight against tyranny .
7 And naturally they gave their opinions on the new Mrs Arbuthnot .
8 And surely any dramatist ought to be able to move us with that final night of Holly 's life , when his musicians ( including Waylon Jennings ) gave their places on the ‘ plane to the Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens .
9 The existence of this group of organisms was first suspected by two unpronounceable German scientists in 1907 , who gave their names to the Halberstaedter-Prowazek bodies seen inside ocular cells infected by the agent which causes trachoma .
10 He gave her dower-lands in the Amienois , near Corbie .
11 She gave her orders for the next week 's farm work and then turned to one of the men .
12 A further paragraph in this message in which the State Department gave its views on the proposal to hand-over the Cossacks we shall come to in Chapter Six , but in respect of the Yugoslavs the State Department was ruling that , whether they were Chetniks or not in conformity with agreed allied policy they should not be handed over and the Supreme Allied Commander was to be left in no doubt of the State Department 's view .
13 Although still deeply committed to Marxism , in James ' view the nationalist movement had ‘ an autonomy and validity of its own ’ , and he therefore , on Williams ' request , gave his services to the cause .
14 The morning session was concluded by John Davis who gave his views on the future of the European display scene .
15 He gave his condolences to the widow and said that he hoped whoever had perpetrated this terrible deed would soon be brought to justice .
16 A professional cavalier , who enjoyed excelling at the game of soldiering , who gave his orders with the perfect authority of a corps whose drills have been tempered by a score of successful wars , a hundred victories , a million unsung deaths .
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