Example sentences of "began [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Very slowly , she began to go down the stairs , step by step , wincing every time one creaked and glancing over her shoulder every ten seconds or so .
2 She began to drive to the outskirts of Grantley .
3 — It was hard going at first , but after a while her hands began to flow over the keys in an easier , more assured style , and Laura found that she was able to relax , the soft chords and harmony having a soothing effect on her lacerated emotions .
4 Pushing himself with indolent grace away from the door , Rourke came into the room and began to rummage about the shelves beneath the counter .
5 Inevitably , our friendship overlapped the boundaries of work and we began to meet in the evenings .
6 Then the princess 's soldiers began to batter at the doors of the wooden fortress with their axes .
7 But then a peculiar light began to creep down the steps , mostly blocked by Adam , but searching , sharp , pricking Ruth like needles .
8 Besides , it took time to get the formula right ; one dose began to work on the notes alter only 24 hours .
9 Times have changed since Naipaul began to write about the societies of the Caribbean : these are now less apt to seem , to the outsider , petty and remote .
10 But just as the security net began to tighten in the grounds of the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh yesterday a group of Japanese tourists made an unscheduled appearance .
11 The problem , as I began to discover over the years , does n't lie with the composer , it lies with the interpreters and what is expected from the interpreters by people who have dubious taste .
12 He pulled away and began to wander towards the stairs .
13 At last a smile began to pull at the folds in Sir Charles 's face , as if his cheeks really were wallets and his smile was going through them , looking for cash , then the smile turned to laughter , it pushed between his teeth , it was dry and rhythmic , it sounded uncannily like someone counting a stack of dollar bills .
14 However , even when the dinner was over , their ‘ guests ’ showed no sign of leaving , at which point the Emperor began to pull on the ends of his moustache — one of the few signs of irritation he ever allowed himself .
15 As the sun rose higher in the pale sky the temperature climbed steeply and patches of perspiration began to appear on the backs of the men 's shirts .
16 The pull was stronger as the hours passed and the beginnings of my own familiar countryside began to appear beyond the windows .
17 Candidates for these positions began to appear in the heavens .
18 Ariel began to communicate with the strangers in English ; she told Kit about the hot springs up the mountain , hoping he would let her go there .
19 However , beyond pointing to the dramatic increase in rape reports , we also began to speculate on the reasons for the shift by practically all the newspapers .
20 It is worth remembering that , at the moment when Manhattan 's business thus began to reach for the skies , New York 's Lower East side was probably the most overcrowded slum area in the western world with over 520 persons per acre .
21 Miss Logan began to reflect upon the changes in her employer since they had arrived on the mountain .
22 She leaned against him comfortably , and he began to wonder about the possibilities in aiming for the wide sleeve of her dress .
23 At 2.30 a.m. a concentration of four hundred guns opened on a front of eight hundred yards , and the barrage began to march across the minefields and defences at a pace of one hundred yards in three minutes .
24 The Health chairman was unmoved ( leading Awlad Amira to remark later that everything had already been decided , there was no true democracy ) and was about to raise another aspect of the question when a speaker at the public microphone began to talk about the roads , mentioning the present high cost of transport across the Sahara .
25 With grave face and totally businesslike voice he began to talk about the beginnings of this place , of the way he had planned and discussed the enterprise , and how he had enabled the local people to be involved all the way through , so that they knew what he was planning , and they did n't feel threatened by him , but collaborated with him , knowing that it meant jobs , roads and plumbing and a higher standard of living for them all .
26 The prime minister began to talk to the ayatollahs about the need to distinguish between global politics and religion , .
27 Honor looked down at her gloves and began to fiddle with the buttons .
28 She swept past his outstretched hand and began to hurry through the arrivals hall , only stopping to look back at him over her shoulder to see if he was following her when she reached the automatic doors .
29 The crowd of playgoers began to hurry to the doors , and I ran round to open them .
30 Finally , when the walls of Amal 's room began to vibrate from the sounds of the bass from the stereo , she decided to go downstairs to ask her brother and his friends to turn down their music .
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