Example sentences of "began [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The larks had not been up long when the first cars began filtering into the parks .
2 She closed her eyes to hide her revulsion as he pressed his open mouth against hers and began fumbling with the buttons of her bush shirt .
3 When he saw Duclos striding back across the compound dragging a young Annamese boy behind him , he smiled quietly to himself , stepped back into his bedroom and began fumbling with the buttons of his silk shirt .
4 Dunan 's group began loping towards the Rorim , leaving two bodies behind them on the moonlit ground .
5 ‘ The African guide was nowhere to be seen so Slash picked up the guy 's rifle and began firing into the air , trying desperately to scare the elephants away , ’ said another friend of the star .
6 Charlie now found himself in front and began firing at the Germans as their heads popped up from behind the dug-outs .
7 She positioned herself on a front bench , laid out her pastels and board , and began drawing under the eyes of the judge , who , be all accounts , turned a shade of puce .
8 She positioned herself on a front bench , laid out her pastels and board , and began drawing under the eyes of the judge , who , be all accounts , turned a shade of puce .
9 All four began galloping down the track .
10 He dived under the fence and a moment later the ducks began waddling through the tunnel and into the garden .
11 The sun sank lower on my left and the blue shadows of dusk began gathering on the pines and firs and creeping in among the sapling branches and the alders .
12 Rachel paused by her desk and began toying with the telephone cord .
13 As Morton produced the manila folder from his pocket , Sir Rufus seized it and began leafing through the papers it contained .
14 I looked up again to see that she was still asleep and then I began leafing through the pages , curious to see whose names were entered there .
15 Graham began climbing with the Edinburgh JMCS and shared first ascents of significant Scottish routes like Parallel B Gully , Lochnager ( 1958 ) , Smith 's gully on Creag Meaghaidh ( 1959 ) and Vanishing Gully on Ben Nevis ( 1961 ) .
16 Steve grew up in Seattle and began climbing in the Cascades Range .
17 The profession 's demands became intolerable however , and in 1901 he began contributing to the magazines of the day .
18 For the sake of appearances , he picked up another brush and began swatting at the sleeves and lapels of his suit .
19 Enemy heads began appearing over the wall .
20 Articles with titles like ‘ The New Opposition ’ and ‘ Power Returns to the Lords ’ began appearing in the newspapers .
21 Back in London , her name began appearing in the gossip columns .
22 Then he walked deeper into the trees as the twilight thickened around him and the stars began appearing among the branches over his head .
23 My breath began wheezing from the exertion .
24 ’ Dismissing him with a gesture , she began walking towards the door which she meant to bang closed behind him .
25 She began walking towards the door .
26 Scrambling down from the mound of sand , Garry began walking towards the houses , his hands and knees stained orange .
27 She began walking towards the depression , as four suited figures followed her from the ship , still arguing about the paperwork .
28 I could n't make out what was going on so I began walking towards the image , binoculars pressed to my eyes .
29 ‘ Dos horas , ’ he said , and without a backward glance , began walking up the hill .
30 There was another mighty crash and a priest began walking through the congregation swinging a censer and laying his hand on the head of anyone who offered .
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