Example sentences of "began [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet on returning to the stage for the first encore , after the first set which had lasted only 35 minutes , they all actually began to sound like a live band and you momentarily forgot about the keyboard player triggering off the backing vocals , and the percussionists aided by drum sequencers .
2 Thus , for instance , Italy began building in a Romanesque style earlier than most nations — for its emergence from Roman work was a natural corollary — continued it later , produced little Gothic work and then burst forth into the Renaissance a century and more before the rest of Europe .
3 Here they also found the values of the market place , which stressed personal independence and self-gratification , and began to search for a sexual fulfilment which , Shorter .
4 Alerted by her dulcet tones , a crowd began to gather outside a downtown boutique and May generously offered a few fashion tips to the throng .
5 Instead , she began to light like a wild cat .
6 ‘ What am I ? ’ she asked looking at Tumbleweed , and then began to recite in a sing-song voice , ‘ with a stick in me hand and a stone in me throat , I walk through the land in me shiny , red coat . ’
7 I was involved in opposing the Vietnam War , began to write for a left newspaper , Black Dwarf and became part of the beginnings of the women 's liberation movement .
8 Ward must have been thinking along the same lines , for as the road flattened out and the mist began to glimmer with a strange brightness , he said something about the Promised Land .
9 Sit , they said , but he would n't This week John Major began to appear on a different kind of box .
10 Only as the cloverleaf began to appear as a grey shape in the otherwise black wall did I at last fall into a dream-wracked sleep .
11 I picked up a book , but put it down again and began looking at a tiny red spider on the leaf of a geranium , ad lost count of time .
12 ‘ I thought it was time I began looking like a human being , ’ she snapped .
13 So Clemente and his FA were taken aback when England returned from the Swedish disaster and began pushing for an away fixture at anywhere in Spain that could be called ‘ cool ’ .
14 She began to chant in a low , eerie voice , words in a language foreign to Lucien .
15 But he began to chant in a sombre , sing-song voice .
16 " There was some confusion at this stage because the target began to behave in an odd way , we knew she was supposed to go up the River Stour to off load , but finally I made the decision to go alongside her at sea .
17 They began to engage in a ritual practice of the Caucasian gypsies .
18 But his interest grew as he worked , and he began to aim at a comprehensive expository commentary on Epicurus .
19 Paul began training as a local preacher and conducted services under supervision , but never completed the tough programme .
20 The rain that night was unusually heavy , and water began to pour from a broken pipe on the church roof straight on to Fanny 's grave .
21 Three days later , as the sun began to set on a cloudless horizon , we reached the ‘ comforts ’ of the highest permanent army outpost .
22 In the same breath as admitting that Lightning , the high-end , super-pipelined Sparc chip that it was developing in conjunction with LSI Logic Corp and Hyundai Electronics , was n't going to strike after all , Metaflow Technology also began to talk about a next-generation effort in design that would follow ( UX No 273 ) .
23 Soon after we got into the coach , he began to talk in a strange rambling manner .
24 Myles began to talk in a slow calm voice .
25 They began selling at an early age , certainly before 10 years of age .
26 Oxford 's bowling was never threatening and looked rather ordinary when Glendenen and Parker began to hurry after a quiet first half-hour .
27 We all felt happy about this and began to walk towards a distant wood , but as we approached it we saw two figures emerging : the priest we had come to see arm in arm with an attractive girl .
28 Spa towns led by Bath , ports headed by Bristol and Liverpool and including the new venture at Whitehaven , and manufacturing centres like Birmingham , Leeds , Manchester and Sheffield began to grow at a significant rate .
29 His pacifism was couched in the violent language of subversion and revolution , and long before 1917 he began to look for a distinctive Scottish way out of the war .
30 But it was when he began finding the 26 mile 385 yard distance — which he can complete in two hours and 57 minutes — ‘ about right for starters ’ , that he began to look for a new challenge .
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