Example sentences of "likely [to-vb] [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such a change is likely to affect the smaller businesses rather than the large companies .
2 I think there 's a lot of the co , er , the smaller companies feel that way , but the bigger companies have tried the smaller ones , and I think we , we 're not likely to lose the bigger ones as easy as lose the small ones .
3 Because of the characteristics of the occupational and regional labour markets in which they operate , both these sorts of agency workers are likely to enjoy a higher degree of employment security than many members of the " standard " labour force .
4 Loans for risky projects like the Channel Tunnel and North Sea oil exploration , for example , are likely to attract a higher interest rate than the rate on a loan to finance the construction of , say , a foodstore .
5 A county court action is likely to provide a quicker hearing and one which is more convenient to the parties than a High Court hearing .
6 This is likely to provide a further obstacle to clear and stable objectives for rail transport .
7 Progressive taxes have higher substitution effects , and are therefore likely to cause a greater increase in leisure consumption ( i.e. less work ) than if the same sum of money were raised via a proportional tax .
8 The hearing officer dismissed this argument which a fortiori would have meant that the ‘ greater the departure an employee 's invention represented relative to conventional technology , the less would be his chance of succeeding in his application under section 40(1) , since such an invention would be likely to require a greater degree of development work to put it into practice .
9 The report concludes that London is likely to experience a longer hangover from the late 1980s boom than the rest of the country ; economists ' forecasts that new jobs in the capital during the 1990s will only grow by 48,000 ( 4.9% ) means that there will still be a lot of space available , and office tenants should be the beneficiaries .
10 All this is fine , except that in Russia and Hungary , where McDonald 's status symbol and monopoly are likely to play a greater role , local currencies are undervalued .
11 I think that they are likely to give a better idea of what the finished advertisement will look like and can do a better job of communicating the necessary commitment to their way of presenting the product than can the account executive .
12 Tests conducted on animals suggested that children are also more likely to retain a greater dose of certain toxins because of increased absorption and decreased elimination .
13 Comment was made this morning , er earlier on by Mr Timothy about the fact that the new settlement would be likely to generate a higher usage of transport than is the norm for Greater York , if I understood him correctly , erm , knowing the public transport system in Greater York , erm , I fail to see how he could possibly come to that conclusion , because bus services in the rural part of Greater York are very poor , clearly that 's partly because of the distribution of the rural population , and I fail to see that a settlement of the size being suggested would actually generate a level of usage of public transport any higher than that which ex already exists in the York in flat , and certainly no higher than exists within the exis existing urban area .
14 If it is thought that the growers of any kind of grain in any part of the world have been losing money , and are likely to sow a smaller area for a future harvest ; it is argued that prices are likely to rise as soon as that harvest comes into sight , and its shortness is manifest to all .
15 A national industrial relations system which had its formative stages during the past 20 years is more likely to accord a greater role to the state , for instance , than those developed in earlier periods when the government 's role as employer and regulator was less pervasive .
16 Although for a majority of employees a protected rights contract is usually likely to offer a higher return , there are certain limitations and the accepted wisdom seems to be that the older the employee and the larger the transfer value , the more attractive a section 32 buy-out becomes .
17 A curriculum-based report is likely to have a greater chance of success because it shows benefits to pupils , the teachers and the school librarian i.e. the whole school .
18 A report by the London School of Economics suggested that the formation last year of Scottish Enterprise , a body linked to 13 local enterprise bodies with responsibility for investment and training , was likely to have a greater influence on the economy than the Training and Enterprise Councils .
19 It will be much more stable and you are likely to have a greater degree of success .
20 Qaddafi says that nations are likely to have a greater proportion of written members than tribes generally do ( III , ‘ Merits of the tribe ’ , ‘ The nation ’ ) ; and he says that shared experience can forge a common solidarity , a sense of belonging .
21 The man who is convinced that his little clam-digger is much smaller than that of his peers will be delighted to discover that he is much more likely to have a greater co-efficient of linear expansion than his mates .
22 It happened to be my birthday — I 've never had or am likely to have a better birthday dinner , I do n't mind being a year older every year for this !
23 Why is this coalfield likely to have a better future than that in North East England ?
24 There is scarcely any corporate-bond market in Japan , because issuing costs are too high ; but if new rules bring those costs down and the market revives , it is likely to have a wider range of yields than before .
25 If they know the performance is to be recorded , their practice of a roleplay situation has , a real purpose and their performance is likely to have a sharper edge to it .
26 It may come as a shock to most men , but pre-adolescent boys are more likely to have a higher orgasm rate than the mature members of their sex .
27 Because radon is denser than air the lower floor is likely to have a higher concentration of radon ; on average bedrooms have 65 per cent of the concentration of living rooms .
28 The application of QALY theory would result in old people having less chance of cardiac surgery than younger people for two main reasons : firstly , the operation is likely to have a higher mortality and morbidity for older people ; secondly , older people have in general a shorter life expectancy and therefore fewer life years to gain from the operation .
29 Mr claims for a five year replacement cycle , but I consider the vehicle is likely to have a lower mileage than is usual and that the replacement cycle should be one of eight years .
30 Fourth year pupils were the principal subjects of the study as they would be members of their school for a full school year and were likely to have a lower absentee rate than the fifth year .
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