Example sentences of "likely [to-vb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays she is more likely to drive to a favourite beach on the south coast so that she can enjoy the wind in her hair and the tang of the sea breeze on her face .
2 Reporting a rape remains a strenuous and harrowing experience , however , and it is likely to continue as an underreported offence .
3 A school with a long tradition of extra curricular activities is likely to continue with an extensive provision even if the activities alter to reflect the expertise of the adults involved .
4 TALKS between British Airways and Virgin Atlantic aimed at settling the so-called dirty tricks affair last night looked likely to continue into a fourth day .
5 As I noted above , mortgage affordability is likely to fall to a 20-year low this year and while entry costs into the housing market have risen since the boom , they remain low in historical terms .
6 Private investment is likely to fall by a further 11% in real terms in 1993 , having fallen 13% last year .
7 Without such interest an officer was likely to remain in a junior post for many years , whatever experience he might accumulate .
8 A newly created ethical committee is to meet soon to draw up guidelines for WWF International 's investment committee , which is likely to agree to a large-scale transfer of funds .
9 The system is further complicated by the fact that on many issues a Flemish socialist is far less likely to agree with a French-speaking fellow-socialist than with a conservative fellow-Fleming .
10 But the fee is still likely to go to an independent tribunal with Forest apparently asking £3m for their former manager 's son .
11 Their proposal is then likely to go before a public inquiry .
12 All accepted entries will be examined and the judges will award the first prize to the entrant they consider has shown the greatest skill and judgement in placing the eight letters in the order most likely to appeal to a typical IDEAL HOME reader .
13 Two Teesside men are likely to appear before a special court today after being arrested and questioned in connection with an armed attempted raid at Eves Garage and a cigarettes snatch at a supermarket on The Parade in Whitby on Wednesday .
14 But there are those who prefer to promote the rumour that CDs are hardly long-lasting and likely to self-destruct after a few years .
15 New work patterns , such a partial shifts , mean that senior house officers are less likely to work for a single consultant and also make it more difficult for all junior doctors to attend teaching sessions at set times .
16 On the other hand , the number of part-time female employees alone is likely to increase by an estimated 122,000 during this period .
17 Borders businesses are also likely to benefit as a 17 per cent reduction in water bills is planned .
18 Probably based in Germany , it would have a significant British element and was likely to come under a British commanding officer .
19 Mr. Mates , who was already a potential target for the IRA because of his long-standing connections with the military , is likely to come under a heightened level of security as a result of the appointment .
20 Ironically the amount eventually charged is still likely to come as a nasty shock for a client who has not yet confronted the financial realities of litigation .
21 This is a village of wide gabled houses , every one with window boxes full of colourful flowers ; of streets where you are more likely to come across a lumbering hay cart in no hurry at all , rather than an impatient motorist blasting his horn at everything in his way , and of friendly locals .
22 A better understanding of electronic publishing is likely to come from a multidimensional approach which draws on different types of similarities between topics and offers alternative ways of structuring knowledge .
23 The working-class boy who passes the eleven-plus is likely to come from an elementary or primary , school from which only a few pupils each year penetrate the grammar-school world .
24 One intent of the review , says Nancy Maynard , an assistant director at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy , is to eliminate duplication but it is not likely to lead to a wholesale restructuring of agency missions .
25 Nothing could be vaguer or more likely to lead to a greater increase in the powers and competences of the Community than wording of this kind .
26 It was a prosperous community : going to America was a big step to take , and one that would not be taken by people with prospects at the top of English society unless they were going out to fill a government post , but for anyone else it was likely to lead to a higher standard of living than could reasonably be expected in Britain .
27 Our concern is that the availability of data from the new census , together with the increase in access to computers since the last census , is likely to lead to a veritable orgy of statistical analysis , and , if the past is a reliable guide to the future , this analysis will obscure rather than illuminate fundamental issues in resource allocation .
28 In one sense a later decision is more convenient , because it allows all useful information to be collated , and is more likely to lead to a considered expenditure of funds .
29 They will be affected for the rest of their lives by the kind of diet which is condemned by nutritionists all over the world as likely to lead to a whole variety of illnesses in later life .
30 Given that the firm will not undertake work in this area that is likely to lead to a contested bid , the majority of such ‘ friendly ’ transactions will involve the seeking of irrevocable undertakings from directors ( who would normally be recommending the offer ) and possibly from other shareholders .
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