Example sentences of "after they [vb past] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Doubtful if he ever dented a heart ; more than likely he gave quite a number of hearts a new lift after they 'd imagined the ball was over for them .
2 I did n't think too much about this at the time , although I knew they usually only had money for their ‘ little pleasures ’ after they 'd done the washing and pawned it .
3 It was easier to put Rose on the , sofa in the party room after they 'd kicked the debris out of the way than to get her upstairs .
4 There was a murmur of agreement from the assembled men , then Springfield asked about the burst of gunfire he 'd heard not long after they 'd entered the grounds .
5 After they 'd used the phone , Yvonne said they could wait in the lounge .
6 And it was milk , after they 'd milked the cow first time , after she 'd had a calf , well the first milking , they usually got blood in the milk , you see ?
7 ‘ I think we should talk , ’ she said , after they 'd skirted the edge of the wood , after she 'd found her composure again , ‘ about your ideas , about how you see all of this . ’
8 I do try not to be a stupidly over-indulgent grandparent , but then I remember how my own mother would refill jam tarts for my children after they 'd licked the jam out of the pastry , and they seem to have suffered no ill effects !
9 Although this is a legal thing to do in Texas , an uproar over the shameless display of influence-peddling prompted most of the recipients to return the money ( mostly only after they had cashed the cheques ) .
10 Subjects were told that after they had heard the passage one sentence from it would be repeated , either exactly , or with some small change , and that their task was to say whether the sentence had been in the passage or not .
11 After they had shut the door the atmosphere shook for a moment .
12 The boys were allowed into the Gallery before the public , and after they had seen the sword the Chief Accountant of the Company talked about the Sword and answered questions .
13 It was only after they had offloaded the stock that the dealers would find out their teamleader had bought up large quantities of it himself .
14 Obviously they had no idea what lay ahead after they had crossed the bridges and got close to the enemy positions .
15 He argues that while only a few of the Palestinian sites have been linked by archaeology with the Bible , the bulk of the names in the Yemen area are to be found stated in the Bible and that this was where Abraham , the Caravan King , had his home and it was here that the Israelites settled after they had crossed the Red Sea with Moses .
16 If these trajectories were viewed only after they had reached the attractor , they would illustrate the attractors : the sink as a point in phase space , and the limit cycle attractor as a single closed loop in phase space .
17 And then after they had reached the other end , erm one of the men would go and stand in the middle of the two and the and the other sitting down .
18 According to our companions , the workmen who made the tombs were killed after they had done the job , so that no one could find out exactly where the tomb was .
19 She remembered it later on , after they had inspected the three pretty bedrooms and the wonderful bathroom with its big bath and tiled frieze of mermaids ; and she debated within herself whether or not she had better tell Susan .
20 This found that girls who had felt isolated and embarrassed about being pregnant or having babies felt less stigma about this after they had attended the units and could take a much more realistic view of their situation .
21 Relations between the UK and Spain had become strained following an incident on June 30 , 1989 , in which four Spanish customs officers were arrested and charged with illegal entry and possession of firearms after they had entered the territory in hot pursuit of three alleged Gibraltarian tobacco smugglers .
22 She stopped trying to move herself voluntarily , and relied on nurses to move her arm and leg for her , so that their task was to ensure that she was always correctly positioned in relation to her spasticity , after they had performed the normal nursing duties of bathing her and helping her on and off the commode .
23 Paul Ware scored the goal which won the Autoglass Trophy Southern Area final for Stoke after they had drawn the first leg against Peterborough 3–3 .
24 The second group was told the title after they had read the passage , while the third group were not told the title at all .
25 After they had left the tavern , there were always some globules of mercury on the floor which the charitable thought had spilt from their bottles , but the waiters knew had come from the men themselves .
26 After they had left the church they were a little embarrassed .
27 A woman saw the two boys holding James by the hands about an hour after they had left the shops .
28 The first of four complaints was that the trial judge exerted undue pressure by sending the jury out to consider their verdict at 5.28 p.m. after they had spent the day listening to the end of the prosecuting counsel 's closing address and the whole of the summing up , but their Lordships consider that this was a reasonable course to have taken .
29 After they had fought the battle , it snowed
30 Oswestry 's First Division game against Shrewsbury was limited to five deliveries after they had put the visitors into bat .
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