Example sentences of "likely [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is the uncircumcised male who is most likely to acquire an actual infection with C. albicans , but , like the female , he does not have to develop symptoms .
2 Are enough of them likely to embrace a distant relative of the mushroom to give Quorn a healthy slice of the market ?
3 Today 's country sound is just as likely to embrace the electronic drum machine and organ as the spoons and washboard .
4 They are n't likely to wear the same garment for six years , as Granny might do !
5 Following its fellow Motorola Inc 88000 travellers , Dolphin Server Technology AS ( UX No 376 ) and Harris Corp 's computer division ( UX No 380 ) , Data General Corp — which admits to having chewed the fat over alternative RISCs , but has decided to stick with the 88000 series ( UX No 376 ) — is expected to announce its own plans for systems based upon the next generation 88110 shortly , likely to include a complete re-haul of its existing AViiON workstation and server series .
6 Any minority group is likely to include a substantial number of people who feel the need of … help and reassurance , … and many members of ethnic minorities suffer an additional persistent burden of racial discrimination which may well cause them to wonder what hope they could ever have of a fair hearing from a representative of the culture which treats them in this way …
7 This is likely to include a constitutional ban on the extradition of cocaine traffickers — the issue at the heart of Colombia 's domestic drugs war .
8 The syllabus includes the ‘ core ’ of chemistry drawn up by the Standing Conference on University Entrance in 1983 , and as far as we can tell is also likely to include the new chemistry core under construction by the School Examination and Assessment Council .
9 This structure is likely to include the advance co-ordination of diaries to ensure that all those who should attend can , a visible commitment from partners that the meetings are to be given high priority , the circulation of concise pre-reading in good time , and adherence to a formal agenda .
10 Ministers are also likely to emphasise the industrial muscle which will be created by the merger of three public sector unions — Nupe , Nalgo and Cohse .
11 More useful criteria would be the type of decision made such as policy or routine ; or type of situation such as whether a crisis is likely to affect a large number of employees or a few ; or whether the problem is a short or long term one .
12 Before the Director General can take action under the Regulations , the advertisement must be such that it both deceives or is likely to deceive and is likely to affect the economic behaviour of those whom it reaches or to injure a competitor of the trader ( usually the advertiser ) whose interests the advertisement is promoting .
13 On the other hand , it is my opinion that when a decision-making body is called upon to reach a decision which arises out of the relationship between two persons or firms , only one of whom is directly under the control of the decision-making body , and it is apparent that the decision will be likely to affect the second person adversely , then as a general proposition the decision-making body does owe some duty of fairness to that second person , which , in appropriate circumstances , may well include a duty to allow him to make representations before reaching the decision .
14 In particular , abstraction of water is likely to affect the generating capacity of the Lake Kariba dam downstream .
15 Hence , one might expect the middle class to opt for the political party most likely to conserve the existing state of affairs .
16 All voiced sounds are likely to lose a certain amount of voicing when they occur at the end of a word or at the beginning .
17 The leadership challenge occurred against a background of economic recession — including rising unemployment and high interest rates — and consistent opinion poll evidence that the ALP was likely to lose the next election .
18 Aid to health is likely to remain a low priority , although institutions such as the World Bank are now recognizing the social cost of their policies .
19 He stressed that while the world population continued to increase by some 80,000,000 people a year , adequate nutrition was likely to remain a key problem .
20 The Horn of Africa is likely to remain a high profile emergency area and highly focused sporadic and urgent campaigning work may be required from time to time .
21 Natural gas as a replacement for coal is important , too , but coal is cheap and plentiful and likely to remain the principal fuel of China , potentially the world 's biggest producer of carbon dioxide ( and other pollutants , too ) .
22 E places it after these events , and so is here more likely to preserve the original form of the annal .
23 ‘ There is no doubt of a recovery , but we are more likely to see a gentle climb rather than any sort of a boom , ’ he said .
24 Will those organisations operating the new technology continue to operate in the standard bureaucratic form or are we likely to see a continued increase in the use of more flexible , less hierarchical forms of organisation .
25 To establish whether government investment was made where it was likely to see the greatest return or to areas of greatest deprivation , public spending patterns were analysed in the light of private investment and previous revitalisation and deprivation patterns .
26 The Chancellor 's Autumn statement , due between 3.30 and 4pm today , is likely to signal a fresh cut in base rates to 7% or even 6% .
27 Those with less internal resources are likely to contract the whole project out .
28 Because of the characteristics of the occupational and regional labour markets in which they operate , both these sorts of agency workers are likely to enjoy a higher degree of employment security than many members of the " standard " labour force .
29 They were , too , more likely to enjoy the actual work , for they had undertaken training to do it .
30 The more immediate concern is that the student 's lecturers , who are themselves practitioners of the discipline , are hardly likely to mount a penetrating attack on their own intellectual home .
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