Example sentences of "told the [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 I told the guard at the reception desk in the dark , grim entrance why I had come and he told me to wait .
2 ‘ I 've come to see Jake MacKay , ’ she told the girl at the desk , tossing back her mane of bright auburn hair .
3 Well , first of all we told the people at the earliest opportunity we told the church members what we 've learnt told them about our of the advantages and our enthusiasm and commitment to the process .
4 Because , well I told the police at the time that er I 've misplaced it and er my is .
5 Because , well I told the police at the time that er I 've misplaced it and er
6 I told the police at the time that he could not have done what they said he had . ’
7 Inspector Phil Barr , in charge of Operation Lightbulb , told the ECHO at the scene : ‘ We believe this was a well-organised , 24-hour-a day drugs dealing ring .
8 ‘ She told the doctor at the orphanage , ‘ If I 'm going to go to England for a short time I must be careful not to give too much of my love , but if I 'm going to be there for a long time I can give all the love I can ’ , ’ Mike says .
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