Example sentences of "told [noun pl] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 SIR Tom Cowie , chairman of motor retailer and financier T Cowie , told shareholders at the company 's annual meeting that trading in its first quarter was ‘ comfortably ahead ’ of last year .
2 MDU leader Dzorig told supporters at a rally that eliminating the MPRP 's monopoly of power from the Constitution was not enough and demanded that the Hural , of which 93.4 per cent of the deputies were MPRP members , be dissolved to make way for a democratically elected legislature .
3 The upsurge in overhead costs is a continuing challenge to farm management farm manager Donald Routledge told visitors at a research and development open day .
4 It claimed Elton John was hooked on eating food and spitting it out and it claimed he told guests at a Los Angeles party , I 'm on the do n't swallow and get thin diet .
5 BNFL 's investment in West cumbria — including spending on plant at Sellafield — amounted to around one and a half millions pounds a day , every day , for the last 10 years , Sir Christopher Harding told guests at a dinner of the Cumbria Society .
6 IRA terrorists could not also be members of the Catholic Church , the Bishop of Down and Connor , Dr Cahal Daly , told mourners at a Northern Ireland funeral yesterday .
7 On June 6 he told delegates at a seminar on promoting private investment that multipartyism would be established " in the near future " , warning at the same time that current conditions , notably the illiteracy rate of over 70 per cent , were " not adequate to meet the challenge of multipartyism " .
8 He told delegates at a conference in Kensington town hall about his luxury London hotel : ‘ My goodness , what a breakfast ?
9 ‘ The world recovery is not going according to script ’ Geoffrey Dicks , a senior research fellow at the London Business School , told delegates at the Chemical Industries Association ( CIA ) Business outlook conference in London last month .
10 Hungarian Prime Minister Jozsef Antall told delegates at the summit that the six members of the Warsaw Pact had agreed to dissolve the alliance by the beginning of 1992 .
11 A BOOZY L-driver in a motorway crash told police at the scene : ‘ I really AM Nigel Mansell . ’
12 Dr Mardell told reporters at a press conference in Zagreb that the torment and carnage he had seen in a week in Srebrenica and the nearby town of Konjevic Polje surpassed his previous experiences in Ethiopia , Liberia and Afghanistan .
13 ‘ I 'm not worried , ’ the five-year-old girl from Eccles , Greater Manchester , told reporters at a news conference at the Children 's Hospital of Pittsburgh .
14 The Chancellor — clearly just clinging to his job — told Ministers at a Cabinet meeting yesterday that they must slash millions off their budgets .
15 He told nurses at the Princess Anne , and the other baby was found to have Daniel 's tag .
16 Last night , he told colleagues at a meeting of the economic and domestic policy sub-committee that he remained locked in a game of brinkmanship with the electricity generating firms who are reluctant to sign firm contracts on coal purchases until after seeing the white paper .
17 Apple chairman John Sculley told analysts at a briefing last month that the servers will be only the first step in a new push to support corporate users .
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