Example sentences of "told [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She told them about the disturbed girl at St Cecilia 's , the girl called Julie who performed feats of levitation , and about the girl who could read a page of a newspaper and remember it , and Enid who could hypnotize with a fountain-pen top .
2 I also told them about the financial statement we had issued and afterwards received a letter asking if I would send on a financial statement , which I did " .
3 She even told them about the nice young man who said he had n't seen her for some time .
4 Ellwood and Luke were crouched over Piper as he told them about the slow , magical dance of the cosmos .
5 And when Albert and Mister Johnny came in , she cut the pie and told them about the big fair that was held every Michaelmas in the Norfolk village where she had lived when she was a little girl about the gay gipsy carts and the fire eater , and the booth where you could have a tooth pulled for sixpence with a brass band to drown your screams ; about the two-headed calf and the Bearded Lady and the Toffee Woman .
6 ‘ Now , I want you both to just relax and take it easy , ’ she told them with a warm smile .
7 They were welcomed by Guinness Brewing Worldwide Managing Director , who is chairman of the Guinness Group 's Pension Trust , and who told them of the latest developments at their former workplace .
8 But he told them in a straightforward way .
9 It was a natural thing for them to do so I did n't take any action — told them in no uncertain terms that this man was ill and he eventually came to and everyone was happy then .
10 A former patient ( one who had never been regressed or even thought about the subject ) told me of a strange incident in her own family .
11 But a friend put some perspective into it when he told me of a recent visit to the Half Moon , a venerable pub venue in Putney : ‘ There were all these posters on the wall of bands from 20 and 25 years ago , and I thought , ‘ Cor , they must be valuable . ’
12 But he told me of a new home just completed , where Aunt Louise had been offered a place .
13 One woman told me of a particular year in which seven close relatives died .
14 More happily , a colleague told me of a seventeen-year-old girl in his last parish who was cruelly told that she would be dead in a year .
15 The women I spoke to who had been through the whole procedure told me of the many exhausting visits they had had to make to the British Embassies and High Commissions , of the atmosphere of contempt at these places , of the pettiness of the Entry Clearance Officers ( ECOs ) and interpreters , and the rude and unreasonable questions they had had to answer .
16 I laughed when my mother told me of the entire postnatal fortnight spent in the maternity hospital , with bedpans and blanket baths and fierce ward sisters who wagged fingers at you if you as much as stuck a big toe over the side of the bed .
17 Some 36 years later I was invited to become Patron of Vliegclub Grimbergen , which honour I took very seriously and when my Belgian friends told me of the threatened closure of this , one of the busiest of Belgium 's general aviation airfields , I could see no obvious reason for closure , other than what only seemed to me to be political bias .
18 It was also he who told me of the Great Ones , ’ he went on with a faraway look , ‘ and how they had chosen us to be saved to do this . ’
19 She often told me of the nightly air-raids , her parents worn out from fire-watching , houses in the familiar streets suddenly plunged into dust , people suddenly gone , news of sons lost at the Front .
20 Kenneth More told me of the unfortunate happenings on the set of The Mercenaries which he made in 1966 in Jamaica with Hollywood star ( though Australian born ) Rod Taylor and American football star Jim Brown .
21 Ranu , a Sylheti woman in her late twenties , told me of the enveloping love and care a woman with her first or second child can receive in Bangladesh .
22 That afternoon in the big , empty cinema , I gave him a private showing of the film , and there were many pictures of Danckwerts 's shipmates of thirty years earlier , including an interview I had had with his immediate superior , Captain Helmuth Giessler , the ship 's navigating officer , who told me of the secret preparations he had made for the midnight departure from Brest in February 1942 of the Scharnhorst , Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen on the eve of their audacious dash through the English Channel to Germany .
23 My father told me of an old lady who to the end of her days referred to ‘ Amser Duw ac amser Lloyd George , ’ God 's time and Lloyd George 's time , for when the change was introduced during the Great War , there was chaos .
24 After two weeks with no sign of improvement , a friend told me of an excellent new rheumatologist who had just come to work in Chester .
25 In that case , he told me with a grim expression , there was something he had to warn me about .
26 He told me about an old school behind a high wall in a dirty street .
27 My mother told me about the famous people who lived in them .
28 Er another thing that I mean thought , somebody told me about the other day er it 's an old thing is er gravel drives .
29 My acupuncturist told me about the broad-leafed veg , and I did n't think to ask him what he was on about .
30 Mum told me about the various forms of contraception but apart from that we did n't really talk about it .
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