Example sentences of "make out the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All the internal doors were open and she could make out the tumbled travel bags she had left half-packed and which now spilled their contents across the room .
2 It even had a name , he could just make out the tiny print .
3 All the pictures he showed me looked the same messy blur but he insisted he could make out the individual features of each person .
4 His grey moustache bristled ; he was so close that Loretta could make out the individual hairs .
5 From somewhere far away , she could make out the screaming whine of an emergency vehicle in a hurry .
6 Straining his eyes , he could just make out the two boxes which were stacked in the far corner of the room and a picture frame which was propped up against them .
7 He could just make out the two rows of cottages and the fields beyond them .
8 To her right , as her eyes adjusted to the faint lifting of the darkness , she could just make out the first steps of the spiral tower staircase .
9 As he gazed out , down the enormous length of the ship , he could just make out the dark outline against the lighter sea , and the rectangular shapes of the deck-covered containers .
10 Now that his eyes had adjusted to the light , Patrick could just about make out the vague shape of the young woman before him , her face a dim grey against the paler shape of her nightdress .
11 Their vision was by now more adapted to the darkness , and silhouetted against the glow of the fires , they could make out the black bulk of the castle .
12 The Scapegoat had been secured by ‘ wrists ’ and ‘ ankles ’ to the inner ring and Wycliffe thought he could make out the four points where the ropes had been .
13 By peering hard in the same direction , I could just make out the faint flicker of a distant plane .
14 Between the ranks of bared heads ( one or another of which would occasionally turn to take a quick glance of inspection at his own face ) he could just make out the graceful figure of Mrs Wright herself , kneeling on a hassock in front of the table .
15 Ahead of her , straight ahead , she could make out the grey hills on the far side of the estuary and to her right where the land first widened out and then melted away altogether , the sea flowed to the ocean , limitless , miles of moving , salty water .
16 To my left was a rough wooden handrail , below , to right and left , I could now make out the grey slopes of two of the conical pits formed by the vault of the transept beneath — the floor under the catwalk was really a negative ceiling — but , apart from a yard or two near the edge , it was completely submerged in nest , as was the catwalk itself a few steps further in .
17 Yes , through the gloom she could just make out the dried-up fountain in the middle of it , and , straight ahead , the huge studded doors of a church .
18 He could still make out the huge man-shape , lying face down , its outline glowing from the residual embers of the phosphorus , like a blackened , smoking tree trunk .
19 Gradually we could make out the shaking fronds of the trees , the thick herbs at the side of the path .
20 It was clear enough for Gareth to just make out the gaunt shapes of the drilling platforms on the north-eastern horizon .
21 Although Maggie could n't make out the exact words , she knew they were from both sides .
22 I took a few cautious steps forward to where , by craning , I could just make out the ghostly crescent of the beach opposite the pier .
23 Straining to listen , the boy thought he could make out the soft fall of footsteps on the snuffled ground between the trees .
24 It was difficult to see her backside in the mirror , but she could make out the pink weals which had been raised on her tender white bum-cheeks by the little squirt .
25 Through the middle kitchen window he could just make out the open gate , the wooden ramp covering the steps and the first huge saddle-back sow ambling down into the yard .
26 And as I changed tack , the harbour came into view round the headland , with the hill rising behind it , where pines grow in a sheltered spot , and then I could make out the white walls of my house through the binoculars .
27 The atmosphere was less turbid than I 'd expected from Edward 's description — a glowing , orange-red furnace of heat in which I could make out the shadowy profiles of two pots .
28 He lifted his head and , in the semi-darkness , she could just make out the wry smile that touched the corners of his mouth .
29 But not so deafening that she could n't make out the anguished cries of : ‘ Wheee …
30 In the darkness , he could barely make out the wooden boards that had been nailed into place over the shattered window vents at street level , but even down here they could hear the hissing of rain on the pavements outside and the grumbling of thunder in the sky .
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