Example sentences of "found [pron] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My text here is Evans-Pritchard 's unrivalled study of the witchcraft beliefs of the Zande people of the southern Sudan as he found them in the late 1920S and early 1930S living under the generally benign rule of the British raj .
2 She found them in the Green Room .
3 I frequently give into their hands my best guns and never found them in the slightest degree disposed to take advantage .
4 Jim Crow laws dictated that we all sit up in the coloured balcony , so we followed Earl up the stairs of the separate entrance , located to the right of the box office , and found ourselves in the highest tier of the auditorium .
5 It was only towards the end of my time in Spain , when we were in Ciudad Rodrigo for the Festival Taurino , that we once , quite by accident , found ourselves in the 69 position and went through with it successfully .
6 We suddenly found ourselves in the Turkish baths with a dozen nude men .
7 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
8 Cornelius found himself in the uncluttered office of Mister Arthur Kobold .
9 GARY MASON , whose avowed game plan is meet the world heavyweight champion , Mike Tyson , sometime in 1991 , last night found himself in the nearest thing to a test against that granite-hard fighter that his supporters could hope to imagine .
10 So Dustin found himself in the odd position of acting in English , while all around him the cast spoke Italian .
11 Turning for the door , Mungo suddenly found himself in the overwhelming dark .
12 In hindsight , it 's difficult to understand what all the furore was about , since Sikorsky only took a minority stake in Westland , but at the height of the storm Cuckney found himself in the unwelcome glare of national publicity .
13 Like the majority of his contemporaries , Levin found himself in the vaguest position in regard to religion .
14 And within six years , wanting to register ( in The Criter - ion for 1934 ) the distinction of Binyon 's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order , Pound found himself in the same situation , having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them :
15 More than one Gaullist found himself in the difficult situation of having to give de Gaulle a lecture in Gaullism .
16 Extraordinary as those visits were — and as warmly welcomed as he found himself in the diverse Kesparates of Yzordderrex — the city state was an autocracy of the most extreme kind , its excesses dwarfing the repressions of the country he 'd been born in .
17 In war , more common as the Dukes of Normandy used their English kingship to press their rather doubtful claims to the French throne , Sussex found itself in the front line , convenient both for intended invasions and retaliatory expeditions by licensed French pirates .
18 It looked round for an ally , and found one in the old hereditary enemy , Austria-Hungary .
19 No answer , but perhaps he found something in the watchful face that was not quite mute , for he smiled , and deep within the hollow eyes a spark kindled .
20 Later , she found herself in the front passenger seat of a comfortable grey Rover , and as the car negotiated the twists and turns of the mountainous road she stole side-glances at Silas 's profile .
21 She found herself in the public library .
22 A change to teaching English to Italian children brought worse problems with ‘ il Signor Conte ’ , and a period married to a sisal farmer in Portuguese East Africa found her in the worst place on God 's earth .
23 The sixteenth-century writers who condemned depopulation looked for a depopulator , and found him in the enclosing landlord , who found that stock , -rearing was more profitable than corn-growing .
24 Former Darlington defender Jim Willis put in a saving tackle on Steve Mardenborough when Nick Cusack found him in the clear , while Willis was caught in possession by Cusack inside his own box but the centre forward 's shot was blocked .
25 Former Darlington defender Jim Willis put in a saving tackle on Steve Mardenborough when Nick Cusack found him in the clear , while Willis was caught in possession by Cusack inside his own box but the centre forward 's shot was blocked .
26 They found it in the simultaneous detonation of 454,000kg/ 1m lb of explosives in deep tunnels under the German front line .
27 ‘ I went for a net to get it out and , to my amazement , found it in the tight embrace of a frog .
28 ‘ In 1945 , ’ Husband said , ‘ they were trading cigarettes-which were better than gold in those days — for party cards and affidavits that they 'd always been true Worker Youths-once they found themselves in the Russian Zone .
29 And it was here , after the house-warming party which began with hours of few arrivals and long silences , that she and Hugh had finished what was left of the Carafino and found themselves in the narrow bed in the basement where this dramatically argumentative child had been conceived .
30 Mangen and Castel relate an appalling tale of how the circumstances in which the French asylums found themselves in the Second World War prompted experiment with alternatives .
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