Example sentences of "therefore [vb -s] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The division as a whole therefore covers the full range of Rolls-Royce Avon , RB211 and Olympus engines through Rolls Wood Group , as well as GEC engines at Lincoln Turbine Service .
2 The Verona instrument therefore contains the oldest Stein piano we know , if the remembered date of 1777 is correct .
3 This Hegelian approach rejects a strict separation between the universal and the particular and it therefore challenges the Cartesian opposition between knowledge and belief .
4 She therefore loathes the bottom class and everyone in it .
5 ‘ Be aware ’ therefore prescribes the same neutrality for personal as for spatial and temporal viewpoints ; it refuses a privileged status to ‘ I ’ as to ‘ here ’ and ‘ now ’ .
6 If we have a fixed-length instruction word with one of the formats shown in Figure 3.1 ( a ) -(c) , then the number of bits required to specify such secondary information as an operand address limits the size of the operation code field , and therefore limits the maximum number of different operations with this amount of secondary information .
7 The laser output therefore shows the same picosecond time structure .
8 One therefore reaches the anomalous situation whereby the earlier and stricter rule has been broadened , so it seems , by the weight of subsequent decisions .
9 ‘ One therefore reaches the anomalous situation whereby the earlier and stricter rule has been broadened , so it seems , by the weight of subsequent decisions .
10 The methodology used in the treatment of results of subsequent investigations therefore includes the following procedure :
11 Lack of precision in being able to provide a quotation can often confuse a client and therefore takes the commercial edge away from your particular firm .
12 The hearing learner then seeks only to master the interlanguage , which has no cultural base , and which therefore lacks the social depth of either language .
13 If Hughes is correct ( 1 ) the phrase " bought as seen " prevents the sale being by description , and therefore excludes the implied term in s13 but ( 2 ) is subject to control under s6 of the UCTA 1977 as , presumably , would be any term which excludes the implied terms by preventing their implication .
14 A sustained concern for truth therefore entails the public display of one 's methods , for only in this way does one reveal not what one knows but how one knows it .
15 The Commission therefore reiterates the absolute priority which needs to be given by the Church to its worship , and to the place of music within it .
16 You can see that it therefore presents the same face to the Sun at every other perihelion and that any tidal bulge would lie along the Sun-Mercury line every perihelion .
17 For instance in the context of the law relating to sale of goods , a warranty is usually understood to be a representation relating to the subject matter of the contract , which is of secondary importance , and whose breach therefore entitles the injured party to damages but not to terminate the contract .
18 The right of re-entry is one of the legal interests listed in s. 1(2) , Law of Property Act 1925 , and therefore binds the whole world irrespective of notice .
19 An object 's class therefore defines the inherent LIFESPAN process model which an object will follow , whereas the user defined process model ( which it is to follow in parallel ) may be defined for its type and subtype .
20 Britain therefore likes the French idea that the European Council should take on a larger role at the expense of the commission .
21 From a Marxist standpoint this ignores and therefore obscures the real basis of social class , which is the ownership of productive wealth .
22 The plaintiff therefore claims the said sum of [ £253.70 ] continuing interest and costs .
23 Measurement of the self inductance for the two series connections therefore yields the mutual inductance as a quarter of the difference between the self inductances .
24 Robert Passelewe was a Household clerk who after 1228 had been attached to the Poitevin party , shared in their downfall in 1234 , and was restored to favour in 1236 ; his appointment in 1246 as justice of the Forests south of Trent therefore brings the administrative history of the forest into line with that of the Household and the great Departments of State .
25 This therefore leaves the cultural dimension as the most important approach , but as Bealer et al .
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