Example sentences of "themselves from the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the policing of the picket line was organised and controlled by local police officers according to a ‘ hearts and minds ’ philosophy : the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire sensibly recognised that almost every family in Sheffield had connections with the steelworkers and was keen to ensure that the police did not alienate themselves from the wider community .
2 At the end of the book , these opposing characters become closer and their real love for each other shows through the bitter shell that they hid under to protect themselves from the awful life they lead .
3 Ahead of us the tall pines that stretch out across the frozen plain of Estonia distinguished themselves from the snow-coated sky and earth .
4 These witches are the ‘ middle class ’ of respectability , always concerned to distance themselves from the first group and ever keen to present the acceptable face of natural religion .
5 In April 1891 he attended a conference of Unitarian churches in London and heard Ben Tillett [ q.v. ] deliver a harsh attack on how the existing churches had alienated themselves from the working man .
6 Much of it was erected by small speculators with limited means , who came themselves from the working class .
7 The British raiders had the race to themselves from the final turn as Jodami overhauled his chief rival in an exciting duel that was only decided on the line .
8 Regional roots aside , the band always wisely distanced themselves from the now-dead scene — but , as Andy candidly remarks , ‘ everybody said that , did n't they ?
9 The mass of working people , as they liberate themselves from the bourgeois yoke , will gravitate irresistibly towards us … provided yesterday 's oppressions do not infringe the long oppressed nation 's highly developed democratic feeling of self-respect and provided they are granted equality in everything .
10 By the late 1960s all of the orthodox parties , with the partial exception of Colombia , had clearly distanced themselves from the armed struggle .
11 Mourou , 42 , and his co-signatories apparently intended to disassociate themselves from the pro-Iraqi position of exiled Nahda president Rashid Ghannouchi .
12 Whatever else was said , it was vital for Russian socialists clearly to dissociate themselves from the Tsarist record :
13 His own research on female undergraduate students of physics provides further support for this conclusion ; many of them explicitly dissociated themselves from the male physics students and their ambitions .
14 About ten years later , although the clock said differently , she appeared , eyes trying to adjust themselves from the strong sunlight to the shady cool of the bar .
15 They carefully distanced themselves from the dirty work , but did n't hesitate to employ his services .
16 Accordingly , while congratulating the Association on its endeavours , may I make a plea to the members of its Committee to restrain themselves from the political tactic of eyewash and puff and to conduct themselves , so far as the Law Society are concerned , in a straightforward , honest and co-operative manner ?
17 As Middlemass ( 1979 , p. 445 ) puts it : ‘ As in 1944–45 , employers and managers in a sense detached themselves from the dangerous appeal to the nation , over the heads of the nine million voters who were also affiliated to the TUC ’ .
18 Justifiably or not , the Soviet Union in the later Brezhnev years had provided no advertisement for socialism , and even communist parties in other countries had felt compelled to distance themselves from the Soviet model and the heritage of Leninism .
19 It has been an almost Darwinian process , of course , with those failing to shrug off the stereotype simply going out of business and removing themselves from the genetic pool .
20 Yet there were others who clearly did not relish James 's rule , having actively opposed him when King , and who did their best to distance themselves from the Jacobite cause after the Revolution , Archbishop Sancroft being the most famous example .
21 The Scottish Jacobites withdrew themselves from the Scottish Convention which met on 14 March 1689 , and as a result the settlement north of the border was worked out predominantly by Whigs .
22 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
23 When they dissociate themselves from the academic world of their time , they are making the time-honoured mystical point that what Wordsworth would call ‘ the meddling intellect ’ had nothing to do with the vision of God .
24 Unless they dared to absent themselves from the slow unfolding of the plan — would not their keen minds continue to be needed ?
25 ( Cohen also refers , for instance , to white youth who supported overtly racist immigration policies but dissociated themselves from the National Front ; see also the research on white youth reported in Coffield et al. ,
26 Some transracial adopters may prefer to isolate themselves from the cultural background and ethnic origin of their child because it is easier in the short run to escape conflicts .
27 The performers whom the young Elvis heard and learned from — gospel singers , blues men like Arthur Crudup , Bill Broonzy , Junior Parker and Howlin' Wolf , country and western stars such as Bob Wills , Hank Williams and Roy Acuff — were commercial artists ; they , like Elvis himself , did not separate themselves from the whole wash of music that was available .
28 And just as late Palaeolithic and early Neolithic cultures demonstrated their difficulty in detaching themselves from the primal mother of the previous epoch , so modern youth expresses its inability to surmount the oral attachment by coupling its parricidal protest against authority with a simultaneous and equally insistent demand for welfare .
29 To sidestep any arguments about who should inherit the party 's vast fortunes if a split occurs , the delegates declared themselves to be the legal heirs of the HSWP , whilst dissociating themselves from the old party 's ‘ crimes , false and mistaken principles and methods ’ .
30 Imperial Airways had difficulty in extricating themselves from the ensuing row .
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