Example sentences of "themselves in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The rise of the middle-class was not , on the whole , predicated on an aspiration to join the aristocracy , whose way of life , especially during the Regency , met with a good deal of disapprobation ; but it was determined by the resolute intention of the new men to distance themselves in every possible way from the working-class , out of which so many of them had raised themselves .
2 Or worse : they might have found themselves in a tit-for-tat war with DeVore 's lieutenants .
3 One point , just to add to what Liz is saying , and I support everything she 's said , one further point is that accuracy is terribly important because if you actually have a mistake in the press release , and the editors publish it or it 's broadcast and a whole lot of listeners or readers write in and complain , they 'll find it very hard to forgive you because they get themselves in a terrible problem , so do be sure you 're giving them accurate information all the time .
4 The ANC specifically undertook to inform all its members to " conduct themselves in a peaceful manner " .
5 The post-war commitment to full-employment increased their bargaining power ; the strike weapon in the context of a complex and interdependent economy meant that they could exert considerable pressure " through their capacity to disrupt and delay ; and as inflation came to be seen as the problem ( and as a problem caused by " excessive " wages demands backed by strikes ) so trade unions found themselves in a new position of strategic importance and power .
6 In a television interview on Oct. 3 , Kozyrev had warned that " there is a danger that the old structures will consolidate themselves in a new guise " , meaning communists transformed into " national patriots " .
7 Now has anybody actually got themselves in a total mess ?
8 Once the mystery has provided a sufficient reason for hero or heroine to find themselves in a good opening situation of suspense , the person or persons behind that mystery can be safety revealed .
9 They found themselves in a cavernous room lined with scarred wooden workbenches and rows of metal hooks hanging from the ceiling .
10 The 34027 Locomotive Group found themselves in a similar position with a well-loaded train being cancelled within sight of the locomotive being prepared , so to speak .
11 Maltreated cats , finding themselves in a similar plight , often approached such women , who befriended them as substitutes for human companionship and love .
12 However the situation is potentially lethal to fish , who find themselves in a similar situation to those human divers experiencing the bends !
13 In Algeria , they found themselves in a similar situation , fighting a war against the regular Algerian Army and the guerrillas of the Front Libération Nationale .
14 They found themselves in a long corridor with one glass wall that looked out into a bright , modern , open-plan and spacious area .
15 In the event of a hung parliament with the Tories as the largest party , the Unionists could find themselves in a powerful bargaining position .
16 Up to then there had been little social division in towns and houses were crowded in on themselves in a formless way .
17 Rural tenants — principally farm workers — meanwhile found themselves in a vicious circle of deprivation .
18 In fact they are folded on themselves in a zig-zag pattern something like Figure 8 , for polyethylene the fold length is usually pretty constant at about 180°Å .
19 If joint and several liability is accepted , there is nothing to prevent the vendors from settling between themselves in a private agreement the basis on which they would each be required to contribute if a successful claim is brought against any one vendor .
20 There is a moral here for some of the older spectator sports , wondering how best to sell themselves in a gimmicky TV age .
21 These are the remains of unfortunate wretches driven to kill themselves in a futile attempt to escape the torments of the Castle .
22 Concern was also expressed about the lack of rights for trainees — they often find themselves in a vulnerable situation .
23 It required fewer people who could pass the port in the right way , and more people who would have the drive , energy , initiative and sheer guts actually to make money for the shareholders and themselves in a recessionary environment .
24 He hopes the meeting will help him and like-minded clergy who 've found themselves in a religious dilemma .
25 Women in business today still find themselves in a male-dominated environment where only 20% of managers are women .
26 However , employers could find themselves in a tight corner if they attempted to increase employee contributions or reduce benefits .
27 They eventually found themselves in a huge square where a white marble fountain played in the centre .
28 He said that leadership had been shown and the members had conducted themselves in a disciplined manner with pride and dignity .
29 The Fabians did not accept that under capitalism the necessary contradictions would manifest themselves in a growing class struggle .
30 A FAMILY hooked on the ‘ whodunnit ’ board-game Cluedo found themselves in a real-life murder mystery yesterday … after stumbling across a skeleton .
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