Example sentences of "themselves [prep] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Woodlice were miniature armadillos ; tomato-coloured mites scampered on the walls as if the brick was burning their feet ; herds of striped and chequered snails glued up their doorways each autumn ; and sluggish , fragile caterpillars , irritatingly , mummified themselves during the one interesting period of their lives .
2 These manifest themselves as the impulsive gravitational waves ( 15.10 ) which may be considered to be generated by the collision .
3 Some merely regard their function as a necessary official procedure best conducted with the least possible fuss and difficulty , while others regard themselves as the only impartial authority capable of investigating a sequence of events involving fatality no matter how technically complicated it might be .
4 Men can see themselves as the ideal human type because they live in structures in which they are dominant .
5 It 's also a perfect place for students to prepare themselves for the new grade-level Trinity College Of Music Pop Exams , since the Guitar School is the new local exam centre !
6 In TRACE II units at the same level fight amongst themselves for the available supporting evidence .
7 We talked a little more , while Terry and Tom prepared themselves for the inevitable angry reaction from the guards and Brian lay down under an extra blanket as his body came to terms with the shock of the beating .
8 The subscription is quoted at £3 3s. 0d. for Gentlemen and £2 2s. 0d. for Ladies and urges those wanting to join ‘ to do so at once and avail themselves of the present low subscription free of entrance fee ’ .
9 The branches of trees stretched out as if to peer over mill walls or rest themselves against the windowless rear walls of factory buildings .
10 They regard it as an ideal way to familiarise themselves with the latest legislative and other changes and are sometimes reluctant to delegate the task or to see it rendered unnecessary , as is the case with the microfilm system described below .
11 They would ally themselves with the united Labour forces and afford the possibilities of developing a mighty Peoples Front which will bring down the National Government . "
12 A few developed a liking for the racecourse and as it had been drummed into them to dress correctly for every occasion , somehow they managed to provide themselves with the obligatory long trailing gowns by lending each other clothes and accessories ; they appreciated the elegance of their suave escorts in tail coats and top hats .
13 In summary , then , at present advocates of an orthodox Marxist-Leninist ( Soviet-inspired ) solution to Latin American problems do not enjoy much support , and it seems clear that Communist parties need to develop more flexible strategies and to ally themselves with the broader left if they are to sustain an effective role in political life .
14 Commentators initially understood that his proposals and the WPE central committee resolution of March 6 which adopted his report excluded a multiparty system , and required opposition groups to merge themselves into the existing single party framework under its new name .
15 Thus , a number of professors of English and other influential educationalists were addressing themselves in the altered postwar environment to the issue of the disciplinary revisions required in order to produce " enlightened " bureaucrats , administrators , and teachers .
16 seven o'clock , well I thought I 'd come a bit earlier forget that they want a tidy living room , they want to get the toys out of the way , they want to present themselves in the best possible light so they 'd be more forgiving if you 're late than if you 're too early to be on time .
17 Many foreign brands have established themselves in the former Soviet Union for the sake of the publicity , but Baskin-Robbins becomes one of the few to commit themselves to manufacturing there .
18 Others looted the communion plate from the church , mockingly dressing themselves in the despised Anglican vestments , before that building , too , caught fire , bringing the walls crashing to the ground .
19 I do not believe that the Harrier pilots who found themselves in the Royal Naval Reserve will have the opportunity to fly either , but it is certainly useful to have them in the reserve should they be needed .
20 They had woken in the morning , stiff and damp , rushed into the house to warm themselves in the huge old-fashioned bathtub , cooked an enormous breakfast and driven back to the city so Cameron could interview some visiting fireman from Washington .
21 One day everyone was laughing and singing in the Delhi gardens , covering each other with pink powder and coloured Holi-water ; the next they had imprisoned themselves in the silent air-conditioned purdah of their bedrooms and offices , waiting patiently for the reprieve of evening .
22 Most advocates of biological theories do not express themselves in the same bizarre language and style as Lombroso , and such theories of crime are not merely historical relics that died with Lombroso .
23 As they served themselves from the many little dishes , Maura surveyed her companion .
24 At that time the DPKR had only 7,000 members and although they dissociated themselves from the Russian Communist Party , many were still members of the CPSU .
25 Tying pillows to their heads with towels to protect themselves from the larger falling lumps , they set off .
26 It is clear that the core of the upper class certainly do differentiate themselves from the broader middle class , even if it suits them to call themselves ‘ middle class ’ when asked .
27 Inevitably they led to the totally unnecessary deaths of many pet cats , as jittery owners took emergency steps to protect themselves from the dreaded twentieth-century plague .
28 And if African destitution has its roots in this shameful period of depopulation , so too does what was to become a family 's main defense against the poverty enforced on those left to fend for themselves without the strong young bodies they had counted on .
29 Fourth , and finally , the rejection of the Athenians by the Spartans makes more sense if the Ephialtic reforms are seen as part of a process rather than as an event , that is , if the qualities which the Spartans feared were gradually manifesting themselves over the whole thirty-year period , 487–457 .
30 They skirted the city , threading their way through the still-silent streets and , following the Prior 's careful directions , soon found themselves on the broad beaten approach to the port of Leith .
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