Example sentences of "enough [verb] [adv prt] for the " in BNC.

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1 By twelve o'clock he had usually earned enough to live on for the day .
2 One 's grant disappeared into a bottomless sea of cigarettes and beer with hardly enough left over for the books we were meant to read .
3 That would mean she could buy eggs for supper and pay something on the grocery bill and have enough left over for the vet .
4 It belonged almost in its entirety to Kenneth Horne , around whom the show was built , but there was enough left over for the supporting players , Betty Marsden , Hugh Paddick , Bill Pertwee and Ken , all of whom built up their own individual following .
5 The world No. 1 gave the tie her best , however , but even that was not enough to make up for the shortcomings of her second in command , Claudia Kohde- Kilsch .
6 Although people were allowed to eat other foods freely , in fact when they were deprived of their refined carbohydrates they tended not to increase their intake of these alternative foods very much — not enough to make up for the calories they were saving .
7 But that one painted notice is not enough to make up for the shabby doors , scruffy brickwork , and grimy frosted glass .
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