Example sentences of "found at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since we shall have to be content with inexact knowledge we will not insist that our electron is to be found at a definite point but simply require that it is localised within an interval of space of length Ax .
2 Sergeants and Inspectors know almost exactly where an officer can be found at a certain time , and woe betide the constable who keeps his superior officer waiting .
3 Curiously , another element found in the proximal promoter region of the human histone H4 , the H4TF-2 motif , is also found at a similar position in the H1 promoter ( 27,28 ) .
4 Other autoantibodies directed against cytoskeletal antigens differ from actin as well as antinuclear antibodies giving a ‘ speckled ’ pattern of positivity , are found at a low titre ( <1:100 ) in cryptogenic , ciral , and clcoholic chronic liver disease .
5 Perhaps one of the best examples of that , could be found at a recent tournament , where , after suffering considerable pain during a match , she declined the soothing comforts of an ice pack in the clubhouse .
6 A fortnight ago , human remains were found at a remote clearing near Coppull in Central Lancashire .
7 In the absence of an animal , or even in addition to it , it is quite possible that some form of comfort was found at a particular place or sanctuary , and even within the minute span of evolutionary time measured by a single generation , it is possible for such a retreat to have become a very special place for a whole family , or even a tribe .
8 A Scottish Office spokesman said last night : ‘ The police were called to deal with a suspicious package found at a Scottish Office building this morning .
9 The Registrar is usually found at a local authority office and is the person responsible for the registration of births and marriages as well as deaths .
10 The earlier text is believed to have been written originally in Syriac and to have been found at a Christian monastery in Khuzistan , south-west Iran , near the Iraqi border .
11 The 22 year old 's body was found at the remote Longslade picnic site near Milton Keynes .
12 Portuguese cooking , a rarity , is found at the Backstage Bistro , ( ) , where wall are decorated with memorabilia from early cinema days .
13 Des was one of a litter of seven pups found at the EFI compound at Jubail .
14 Half-finished seals were even found at the early settlement of Fournou Konh .
15 There were probably also sacrificial tables and statues of deities , like the clay goddess found at the sacred enclosure of Sachturia .
16 In 24 patients ( 86% ) the Dieulafoy disease was located within the stomach ; in 17 patients ( 61% ) it was found at the classic site within 6 cm from the gastroesophageal junction ( in eight cases near the lesser curve , in two near the greater curve , in three on the anterior wall , in two on the posterior wall , and in two in a hiatus hernia immediately below the oesphageal-gastric junction ) ; in five patients in the corpus ; and in two patients proximal from the anastomosis after gastric resection .
17 In 61% the lesion was found at the classic site within 6 cm of the gastro-oesophageal junction , mostly near the lesser curve .
18 The Stock Exchange does not provide a class distribution according to size of holdings , yet the 23 per cent of shareholders who own stock valued at less than £500 are unlikely to be found at the upper end of the income scale .
19 In a reserved judgment , the judge said he was satisfied Connolly had been in the process of making the bomb , and that he had been in control of the munitions found at the other house , some of which were devices only used by the IRA .
20 A circular type known as Clava tombs can be found at the northern end of the Great Glen , many without an entrance , which would seem to signify that each was used only once and then sealed .
21 Clare baked nothing that could be found at the local baker and charged what she considered exorbitant prices , which people seemed happy to pay in cash .
22 In the symmetry consensus , the simple consensus is converted to a palindrome based on the most frequent base at each symmetrical position , i.e. in the right half site , the base at the first position is not conserved , however , an A is found at the symmetrical position in the left half-site in all four sites , hence , the first position in the right half site is a T in the symmetry consensus .
23 Blue polythene sheeting , believed to have been used to carry coal to stoke up the massive blaze , was also found at the secluded site at Coppull near Chorley .
24 Blue polythene sheeting , believed to have been used to carry coal to stoke up the massive blaze , was also found at the secluded site in Coppull , near Chorley .
25 In prayer-rug designs this arch-shaped form is usually found at the top end of the composition , although it is sometimes employed at both ends in what are generally referred to as " double-ended " prayer rugs ( pls. 17 and 18 ) .
26 Such theories include the conventional model of evolution , Big-Bang models of the origin of material substance , the concept that life is a by-product of biochemical complexity , that mind and thought are to be found at the physical level of molecules and electromagnetism , and so on .
27 First , a gap had been found at the bottom end of the market , conveying ( or transferring ) small terraced houses with local authority mortgages .
28 Two spoiled griffin-heads were found at the Samian Heraion , showing that they were made there , as no doubt they were at Olympia too .
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