Example sentences of "period [prep] the [num ord] world " in BNC.

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1 Yet by 1914 agriculture was firmly in second place to industry in the American economy and although farmers enjoyed a boom period during the First World War , their problems were to become clear in the 1920s .
2 Apart from a brief period during the First World War , when the Royal Flying Corps had use of the area inside the circuit , Brooklands was used continuously from 1907 to the outbreak of the Second World War .
3 Perhaps because of his career as a Naval Officer during the First World War he worked for a long period during the Second World War at the Admiralty .
4 Nevertheless , in the period after the Second World War , as the Labour government made significant advances in laying down its programme for a welfare state , there was a growing unease about the scale of administrative activity .
5 In the period after the Second World War , British political science came into its own .
6 Signac , who continued his activity as a print-maker into the period after the First World War , uses the graphic medium superbly .
7 The value of this approach became most evident in the period after the First World War , which many regard as marking the terminus of the era of belief in continuous evolutionary progress of human society .
8 In fact a gold standard operated in the international economy prior to 1914 and for a period after the First World War .
9 The adjustment mechanism did not work very effectively in such circumstances , as the history of the operation of the gold standard in the period after the First World War indicates .
10 And the period after the First World War was a watershed in the battle against oppressive hours of working .
11 In the period after the First World War Labour replaced the Liberals as one of the two major parties in the Commons without the aid of proportional representation , but we will have to wait and see whether the Liberal-SDP Alliance can fight back into Parliament under the established first-past-the-post electoral system .
12 Leith remained active throughout the period of the first World War but traffic decreased from 4.8 million tons in 1913 to 1.7 million tons by 1918 .
13 The relevant situation of utterance can therefore be identified as the historical period of the First World War , in which the poem was actually composed and first received by its contemporary readers .
14 During the short five-year period of the Second World War , a layer of air power was added to that foundation , but since the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945 , and Britain armed herself with nuclear weapons in the 1950s , the Three Pillars have stood just as securely upon the strategic nuclear deterrent .
15 He was succeeded by F. W. Anderson who acted as palaeontologist in Edinburgh until 1953 except for the period of the Second World War when he was in the army .
16 The period of the Second World War ( 1939-1945 ) witnessed a significant shift of attitudes by a sizable fraction of the electorate .
17 Certainly the Keynesian view provided the academic basis for the conduct of monetary policy in the period from the Second World War up to the late 1960s , with the influential Radcliffe Report ( 1959 ) supporting this general approach in the UK .
18 Although a great deal of work has been done in the historical demography of the developed world relatively little research has been carried out in relation to the corresponding ( i.e. pre-demographic transition ) period in the Third World .
19 Taken together , the studies carried out by social , economic and political revisionists have opened the way to a far-reaching reassessment of the dynamics of popular unrest during Nicholas II 's reign , the role of the revolutionary intelligentsia , the prospects of stable capitalist and western-style democratic development in the period before the First World War , and the drama of 1917 itself .
20 Postwar holiday consumption patterns in Britain indicate the rapid growth of package holidays in the 1950s , but the roots of this boom are located in an earlier period before the Second World War .
21 The lecture he gave and the responses it provoked form perhaps the most widely read debate in jurisprudence in Britain in the period since the Second World War .
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