Example sentences of "book the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were based on his book The Principles of Quantum Mechanics , one of the intellectual classics of this century .
2 We are pleased to state that since the appearance of the first edition of this book the Court of Appeal has at last seen sense in its approach to construction in cases involving general medical practitioners : see Clarke v Newland [ 1991 ] 1 All ER 397 .
3 The idea of the Umwelt has re-emerged in ethology in Griffin 's book The question of animal awareness ( 1976 ) , in which he argues that recent research in animal orientation , navigation , and social communication implies cognitive processes of a high order and even mental experiences of them .
4 Largely as a result of Donald Griffin 's book The Question of Animal Awareness ( Rockefeller UP , 2nd ed 1981 ) , ethologists have begun to re-examine the issue of animal intellect and to ask whether the organisms they study are , as we presume ourselves to be , something more than mere mindless circuitry .
5 Possibly the most famous controversy was initiated by Rosa Luxemburg in 1913 with the publication of her book The Accumulation of Capital .
6 Your book The Sense of Order makes clear your deep interest in psychology , since its subtitle is ‘ A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art ’ .
7 I would like to point out three errors in the review of my book The Scars of Evolution ( Review , 19 January ) .
8 Michael Tye , in his recent book The Metaphysics of Mind ( Cambridge , 1989 ) , has a way of dealing with the difficulty which , if it worked , would solve the materialist 's problem .
9 The distinction between two models of organisation structure-mechanistic and organic — derives from the work of T. Burns and E. M. Stalker in their book The Management of Innovation ( 1966 ) .
10 In Burns ' and Stalker 's famous book The Management of Innovation ( 1961 ) , structure-oriented organizations are described by the metaphor ‘ mechanistic ’ .
11 Within geography , where a vigorous regionalist theme was in evidence , the work of C.B. Fawcett was influential in relating town planning to local government hierarchies ( Provinces of England , 1919 ) ; significantly C.B. Purdom 's book The building of satellite towns ( 1925 ) was subtitled ‘ a contribution to the study of town development and regional planning ’ .
12 Instead , it appears to have been wholly ignored for 60 years until it was mentioned briefly by Gauze ( 1934 ) in his book The Struggle for Existence .
13 In 1969 Miliband 's book The State in Capitalist Society , and the author 's subsequent debate with Poulantzas , set the tone for a renewed academic debate about the nature of the state .
14 A limited view of the role of the Commons has been put forward by Mr Henry Fairlie in his book The Life of Politics .
15 Bishop B.F. Westcott in his book The Gospel of Life , written in 1892 , had a paragraph which comes near to this crystallisation :
16 Herschel pays tribute to them in his book The Origin of Finger-printing ( 1916 ) .
17 Fodor ( 1981 ) provides a very clear description of functionalism , and his book The Modularity of Mind discusses some of the philosophical issues surrounding cognitive neuropsychology .
18 In his important book The concept of mind ( 1949 ) Ryle exploded the dogma by successfully demonstrating that , as used in the Cartesian ‘ myth ’ , the term represents the facts of mental life as if it belonged to one logical type or category , when it actually belongs to another .
19 In his book The Tao of Physics Dr Fritjof Capra explores this concept in depth and comes to the conclusion that eastern mysticism equates well with recent developments in subatomic physics .
20 Os Guinness has captured this middle-class revulsion against materialism and affluent decadence in his best-selling book The Dust of Death ( 1973 ) .
21 The evidence came from Britain and from France , and was brought before the public when in 1863 Lyell published his book The Antiquity of Man .
22 The bones of Halling Man were removed and sent to Professor Arthur Keith the foremost archaeologist of his day who later as Sir Arthur Keith , was to write a whole chapter in his book The Antiquity of Man 1915 , on Halling Man .
23 IN HIS provocative book The Death of Rhythm & Blues , America 's premier black music journalist , Nelson George , discussed the ‘ gentrification ’ of soul music in the Eighties .
24 The English translation of this book The Practice of Aromatherapy has become a classic for aromatherapists .
25 This was the kind of dilemma which the American philosopher Jerry Fodor faced up to in his important book The Language of Thought .
26 In this book the enforcement of regulation is analysed in terms of two major systems or strategies of enforcement which I shall call compliance and sanctioning .
27 In his important best-selling book The End of Nature , the American writer Bill McKibben argues that nature holds other crucial , non-material values for us , and that with the onset of man-made global warming and the spread of genetic engineering , ‘ our sense of nature as eternal and separate will be washed away . ’
28 Clive Swift , in his admirable and essential book The Job of Acting says that when you were at drama school ‘ you were a big fish — now you 're a tiddler ’ .
29 In his influential book The Quality of Education in Developing Countries , C. E. Beeby advances a ‘ hypothesis of the stages ’ in which he argues that teachers ' competence , flexibility and ability to innovate , depend largely on their level of education and training .
30 All prize winners will receive a copy of the new Cadbury cookery book The Taste of Chocolate and super selection of Cadbury confectionery .
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