Example sentences of "talking [prep] him [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Talking about him with the others , I did find out that several other people had had the same experience with him as me ; that his lovemaking was done in silence , that he never said a word ( in fact with me he hardly looked me in the eye either , just stared at his own hands as he moved them over my body , not stroking so much as seizing and kneading me , holding me down too ) ; but then later in the night you would wake to hear him talking to himself , lying there fast asleep ( O always asked the men he fucked to stay with him all night long , always ) , fast asleep and talking out loud in the night , talking in a fast , furious , hushed , hollow voice .
2 They stopped saying , you know , would you buy a used car from this man and started talking about him as the international peacemaker .
3 If a child brings in his birthday cards , then the teacher might explore his interest by talking with him about the number of cards , the pictures ( colours , sizes , what 's happening , etc. ) , the shape and size of the cards , and the number symbol .
4 I mean , if you 'd been talking to him during the lesson he 'd say , well , if you want to talk about it , leave it till after the lesson .
5 I 'm , I 'm talking to him about the planned s filing system as well , which is
6 It started to get out of proportion in that he , Ray has been talking to him about the impact of the summer season in Scarborough in terms of how long it takes his staff to get from A to B.
7 ‘ I was talking to him in the post office . ’
8 ‘ And I am not talking to him in the other room . ’
9 " It was just like talking to him in the old days in Algiers in Allied Force Headquarters . "
10 Coffin said , ‘ I think you took a risk , talking to him in the park . ’
11 Like , cos I was talking to him in the party , yeah ?
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