Example sentences of "started with [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We originally started with a six-session package but later increased its length to eight sessions .
2 Unlike NAEP , the APU started with a cross-curricular model for the areas to be tested , proposing the six lines of development already mentioned in Chapter 3 .
3 As is usual with a carnival , it started with a Fancy Dress Procession around the parish , which finished at the Shady Bower Field , and a great deal of thought went into the entries .
4 The trouble started with a violent clearance by the Notts full-back Cope , and continued with an argument between Islip and Notts ' other full-back Ashurst .
5 At the moment tunic tops are fashionable and these look well started with a tubular hem , a narrow jacquard border knitted at a lower stitch size than the main fabric or a garter stitch hem if you have a transfer lock .
6 It started with a young girl being killed in our town .
7 The wedding started with a simple service in City Hall with just a few witnesses , but once the hotel heard that Brenda and Pete wished to get married on the beach , they were swept off their feet .
8 In terms of the metric functions in ( 6.20 ) , Panov started with a colinear solution U , V , and M of ( 6.22 ) with .
9 I spent the first eighteen months working in all the factory departments , so I started with a good knowledge of precisely how the product was made and did all the jobs that then existed in the production of confectionery .
10 He started with a best time of 7:17:00 at a 100K in Belgium , then won a 24-hour race in Belgium with a distance of 156 miles , before winning the Greystokes 24-hour race in Ireland comfortably .
11 Nick Wright of the Photo Co-op also took four or five groups around the exhibition , and some 400 Education Packs were sent to schools around the country , explaining what Magnum is , how it started with a small band of six , and how it has now grown to over a hundred , with offices in New York , Paris and London .
12 The event started with a slight hiccup when it was discovered that the batteries were in the wrong way round .
13 Prehistoric started with a long pan over a series of cave murals : a man , a woman , a fight , a fuck , a tiger — a spaceship .
14 For most of the first week of February high pressure was centred to the southeast or south of Scotland giving a generally cloudy , mild , southwesterly flow over the country , although the month started with a sharp frost in central and southern areas .
15 It started with a 66th-minute goal from Marcus Stewart after a Paul Hardyman throw-in .
16 ‘ The event started with a gentle warm-up session — aerobics in a wet field recently sprayed with cow dung !
17 The solid emptying plots started with a straight line section but often suffered an abrupt increase in slope at between 45 and 90 minutes .
18 Its inventor Kevin Inkster started with a loose chain on a disc , and it is this formation that Toolbox have chosen .
19 This started with a short note , dated October nineteen thirty-eight , agreeing to their terms for The Factory Whistle .
20 He said , ‘ We started with a brainstorming session where all members of the Department threw in their ideas on the areas which needed written procedures .
21 David Lewis , chairman , said the year started with a considerable amount of uncertainty and despair in the travel industry .
22 It all started with a public meeting in 1989 when an action committee was set up .
23 The programmes of two Soirees are worth recording ; the one in October 1865 started with a Public Tea at 6 o'clock precisely and was followed by the Chairmans 's Address Duet T is the hour for music Mrs Baker & Miss Russell Song Scenes of Home Mr. Bate Address — Rev.J.McFadyen Song Auld Robin Gray Miss Russell Duet What are the Wild Waves Saying Mr Bate & Mrs Baker Address — Capt.J.C .
24 We started with a clean sheet of paper , we did n't start with one of our earlier proprietary products and try and convert that to Unix , try to move that into the open systems world .
25 If we started with a clean sheet of paper we would not plan it that way .
26 It is customary to think of the defeat of Hitler as a ‘ Zero Hour ’ in German history , when everything started with a clean slate .
27 Mr Goldin 's team started with a clean slate — but then Congress took it away and gave them one with lots already on it .
28 So in the end our work became generally accepted and nowadays nearly everyone assumes that the universe started with a big bang singularity .
29 The story of solon started with a phytochemical investigation of the oriental medicinal plant Sophora subprostrata from which the ancient Chinese drug guangdougen , used in traditional medicine for the treatment of digestive disorders , is prepared .
30 Well , it was actually started by a few railway men , th right opposite Street there used to be hand laundry , and then there was a row of houses , from there , running up to the corner of Street where the club stands originally , but in the beginning it was just a row of small houses , and it started with a few railway men having a meet holding the meetings in this house , in these houses , and I 've got very dim memories of how it actually started but it was a real event when they were first , before they actually built the club it was run in the row of houses that ran from up Street as I say there was a little hand laundry corner of Street heading onto Street on the left hand side was the greengrocers , and that , they kept that greengrocers for as long as I can remember .
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