Example sentences of "to come [prep] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 er yes I was saying erm they only had the midwives in them days did n't they , to come for the birth and that and anyway my mother was was ill enough to have to send for a doctor .
2 Technical apparatus of some sort has to come between the record and our ears , and , of course , between the original performance and the record .
3 I found this out at Dagenham , when I worked at Fords , the supply lorries used to come through the day and through the night with articles made in other factories , including bodies and wheels and these were put on the assembly line and routed through Fords to be assembled .
4 The current in Harrogate 's case significant number of major job losses and we we estimate that those amount to between three and four thousand jobs , er many of which we feel are still to come through the system and are therefore not reflected in unemployment figures of yet .
5 However , the only disaster occurred inside the Tower , where the duty staff dived to the floor when it looked as if the port wing was going to come through the window and a bottle of red ink emptied itself down the right sleeve of Flt Lt Dunlop , the Officer in Charge .
6 I went on the road when I was 19 , I needed to come off the road so I knew who I was .
7 Unlike a ridge like the Aonach Eagach where escape is impossible until the end , it is not only feasible , but very tempting to come off the ridge and wander into the wild land of the Glenquoich forest that appears so inviting from the tops .
8 Like the woman said there , there seems to be a lot of help for people who are on drugs , and who then want to come off them , but the after-care service seems to be you know , a lot erm , there 's not a lot help for the people , they get the help to come off the drugs and then they 're put back into the society that they are from and they seem to still have that pressure to go back to where they were previously .
9 Every burger joint seems to be full of leisure-wear parents waiting for their delinquents to come off the hill and be escorted home .
10 Well as I actually had to going round the corner , to get myself round the corner , I had to come off the brake and onto the accelerator
11 We were told not to do this , told not to come here , told to sledge and throw snowballs and make snowmen all we wanted , but not even to come near the loch and the river , in case we fell through the ice ; and yet Andy came here after we 'd sledged for a while on the slope near the farm , walked down here through the woods despite my protests , and then when we got here to the river bank I said well , as long as we only looked , but then Andy just whooped and jumped down onto the boulder-lumped white slope of shore and sprinted out across the pure flat snow towards the far bank .
12 When that gone down they used to splash cos that used to come underneath the buckets and our cabin hatchway was facing that and many a time that 'd come right down the cabin , the mud .
13 Fei Yen stood in the shade of the willow , waiting for the two princes to come along the path that led to the bridge .
14 Worse was to come with the news that the gentleman had brought no valet , his usual man having fallen ill .
15 In April a restlessness seemed to come into the air as the village began to throw off the lethargy of winter .
16 Minority groups had the chance to come into the studio and put over their point of view .
17 A friend who had a key let herself in and called upstairs , but I did n't want anyone to come into the bedroom because they might catch whatever it was I had .
18 The arrangement was that they were happy for members of the family to come into the business and , in a sense , find their own level .
19 He held his hand out in a gesture for her to come into the house but in that second she knew she never could .
20 ‘ He 'll have to come into the house and sober up before he 's fit to take the cart home .
21 But somewhere along the line the input of those on the other side of the ropes , many there for the price of $800 ( £500 ) , has to come into the account and the argument is faulted .
22 In a declining market one might well expect a business that had earlier established a dominant share position to be able to trade on this position in the short run and increase prices and profits , because rivals are unlikely to come into the market or compete strongly for market share .
23 If someone very close ( a member of your family , for instance ) were to come into the room while you were in that state , you would be aware of it but you probably would not move or do anything about it because it felt ‘ right ’ .
24 He went hastily towards the door ; he did n't want Martin to come into the room because then he might break down and say things about his mother that were best left unsaid .
25 Th there are a number of papers , and we 're going to start off this morning er with , when people , just I 've started actually speaking here so that er to allow people time to come into the room and I know that here we are .
26 He was very friendly with erm who was in charge of the Extra Mural Board and erm then possibly because of this connection erm we were asked by the erm Ministry of Defence to provide lectures and courses for erm units of H M Forces stationed in the area and erm so a panel of lecturers was erm formed and erm they used to go out , the , the units used to have their own Education Officers , usually a sergeant or perhaps a second lieutenant and erm they used to come into the office and say that they 'd like somebody to go out to their Searchlight Unit or A A Unit stationed somewhere out in the sticks and er lecture on this that or the other and erm we were supposed to try and fix them up and erm the panel erm , it had quite a number of erm people on it that erm , I ca n't remember who they all were , I know that erm you 'd hardly believe this but there was a chap named Mr and another chap named Mr
27 It was the sort of thing said about someone who was unable to come into the office or , worse , for disciplinary reasons was prevented from doing so .
28 There used to be er , a lady that used to come in the cinema when I worked there , and she had a
29 and I says then we 'll have to come in the back and all them dishes standing there and , and that 's one thing John hates , if any of his ones come up
30 After being so intimately associated with Christ and hearing his parables of the Kingdom and private commentary interpreting those stories , his disciples still expected the Kingdom to come in the material and nationalistic terms of the Old Testament ( Acts 1:6 ) .
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