Example sentences of "whom [pers pn] have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He turned out to be an inspector of taxes with whom I had been conducting a mini back-duty enquiry and which was in the concluding stages .
2 The one to whom I had been speaking was shivering audibly .
3 The trouble is my boyfriend , with whom I have been living for six months , thinks I should use the money to pay off our overdraft .
4 ‘ I am dependent on people with whom I have been associated in the past inviting me and I must say they could not have been more gracious . ’
5 I find it strange that people with whom I have been associated should now accept that independent bankers control so much of our destiny .
6 Dictating condolences to the mother of a murdered husband whom you 've been cuckolding for the last three years would take more than his limited social vocabulary .
7 It does n't matter , I mean , where or whom you 've been told by , as long as you 've been told you can take precautions later in life from sexual diseases and and getting yourself pregnant .
8 Someone — for example , an elderly person — for whom you have been caring at home and in consequence have been getting income support ( or supplementary benefit in the past )
9 Dorothea Gilberd edged away from the parents to whom she had been uttering words of reassurance about their little Philip 's future and glided quite at random in the direction of Tom Tedder .
10 The Germans had no idea who she was and the villagers from whom she had been begging food had not betrayed her ; she was allowed to go without suffering anything much worse than a slapped face and an hour 's sarcastic , sneering interrogation .
11 She is seen to suffer for what she did , and Mary , the other sister , likewise ‘ paid heavily ’ : let down by an Indian student with whom she had been having a long affair .
12 It turned out that she was a freelance editor for OUP , with a daughter in her early teens and a seven-year-old son for whom she had been caring single-handedly since her husband 's untimely death .
13 His last sexual encounter before meeting Angela had been four months previously and Angela had not slept with anyone for nine months since breaking up with her previous boy-friend with whom she had been going out tor a year .
14 The company with whom she had been playing tennis and swimming and was now sitting , were an old friend she had known since Pony Club days , and her newly acquired husband , and David Fairfax , Junior , son of the house , spectacled and earnest and studying to be a chartered accountant .
15 That was a change from the senators and congressmen and captains of industry , whom she 'd been seducing since she arrived on these golden shores .
16 Beforehand , her PR people urge me not to ask her about Eric Clapton ( with whom she has been seen dining on at least one occasion at San Lorenzo 's in London ) , but that she would be willing to talk about her alcoholism .
17 When Bill left us in October 1964 for Coventry , with whom we had been promoted just six months previously , it was for the then record fee of £35,000 for a goalkeeper and he repaid that fee to the Sky Blues in a distinguished career of 395 matches over the next decade .
18 Roughly , the theory claims that ‘ working-class ’ children , those with whom we have been speaking in preparing this study , are suffering from a linguistic and cognitive defect vis-a-vis their ‘ middle-class ’ counterparts .
19 Persons to whom we have been introduced are exceedingly kind and John is acquiring a vast fund of information in the ornithological department , which must , I think , prove interesting to the lovers of that science .
20 All persons ( or nearly so ) to whom we have been introduced have endeavoured to promote our views , and here I must not forget to mention the great kindness we have received from Sir John and Lady Franklin in every way .
21 A figure not far short of this was also found in the biological parents from whom they had been separated , though not in their adoptive relatives , in whom the incidence was much lower .
22 To demonstrate a sensitive period of the type he was proposing , it would be necessary to show that adults who had left a kibbutz at the age of six were not sexually attracted by members of the opposite sex whom they had been reared with while still in the kibbutz .
23 As young men the members of it were apprenticed to practised warriors , taught the profession of arms ; even as children they learned to follow the chase , to hunt boar and stag and wolf , not to mention all the lesser game of the forest ; they learned how to handle and appraise a hawk ; and in the evenings , in their father 's halls , or in the halls of other great lords to whom they had been sent to learn their profession , they listened to the minstrels singing songs of knightly prowess .
24 One of the most curious of these was the knighting of ambassadors at the end of their mission by the monarch to whom they had been accredited and the grant to them of augmentations to their coats of arms .
25 To nine patients out of ten she was the first hospital sister with whom they had been confronted , and the great majority , when they walked , were pushed , or were carried for the first time through the double doors of our main entrance , were very apprehensive and trying to hide the fact .
26 When they saw Frick , whom they had been told to expect , the Sturmabteilungen snapped to attention , their arms held out in the traditional Nazi salute .
27 However it was not necessary to disclose to whom they had been sold or where the cash had gone .
28 They were now expected to settle down with the very people with whom they had been fighting and who had been responsible for killing some of their comrades-in-arms .
29 " There was one very difficult principle that we were up against which I did not really know about to start with … that in accordance with the general surrender everyone was supposed to surrender to the Allied Army against whom they had been fighting .
30 The young revolutionary , whom they had been trailing for sixteen hours a day , was proving less useful than Cowley had hoped , not leading them to any of his more dangerous colleagues .
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