Example sentences of "books and [noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Within will be found at least £100 worth of books and videos backed up with a FlyPast hat and sundry other goodies — all wrapped in the widely acclaimed FlyPast plastic carrier bag .
2 But much latelier , in the private academies of Italy , wither I was favoured to resort , perceiving that some trifles which I had in memory , composed at under twenty or thereabouts , for the manner is that everyone must give some proof of his wit a reading there , met with acceptance above what was looked for , and other things which I had shifted in scarcity of books and conveniences to patch up amongst them , were received with written incomience which the Italian is not forward to bestow on men of this side the Alps .
3 The sale of cookery books and glass-cloths brought in more money , the cookery books producing £746 .
4 Without an art school training , Romanowski , now in his late 20s , has taught himself the methods of the masters through reproductions in books and paintings hanging on gallery walls .
5 Equally importantly there are very real , sometimes crippling limitations of external resources , from not enough books and pencils to go round , through a drying up of goodwill between colleagues , to a general reduction in financial and material support for schools as a whole .
6 She has books and sweets hidden up there , ’ Mona said .
7 ‘ Nothing but overdue books and kids fooling around .
8 By the time you read this Easter will be past , but here in the shop it is very much present , with many Easter books and cards going out .
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