Example sentences of "to keep the [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But it was worth it to keep the wolves from the door .
2 Good drainage and foundations are needed in the rick-yard to keep the crops above the wet , and a skill — rare these days — is needed to build and straw-thatch a stable rick .
3 I 've got a shattered arm as well which means that I can really use only one arm , but I have to keep the muscles in the other one going as far as I can . ’
4 His concern throughout the crisis had been to keep the principles of the UN Charter in the minds of all the parties involved ; not only Article 1 , setting out the purpose of the UN , the maintenance of international peace and security , but Article VII , which excludes intervention in matters subject to any state 's domestic jurisdiction .
5 Because you had to have the stern anchor to keep the buckets off the face of what you was dredging cos if you did n't your dredge 'd go ahead too much and er you had big problems there and you would n't be able to dredge .
6 So in the words of the rap , it 's down to the real nitty gritty to keep the flames of the scouting movement burning bright .
7 It is a mere trifle ; it is only for us to keep the fruits of the victory that they have won ’ ( Liverpool , 1903 ) .
8 Trent considered showing one of them how to keep the bows of the Zodiac to the wind in case he had to cast them off but Louis was beside him .
9 The local transport authority simply could n't get spare parts from the British to keep the buses on the roads .
10 An alternative solution , practised in the USA , is to keep the industries in the private sector but to regulate their performance in terms of such variables as profits , prices and quality of service , via special agencies .
11 She manages to keep the textures of the first movement light , and to give the Andante a genuine grace and the Scherzo a deftness it can often lack .
12 The new opiate of the people , she jeered ; now that religion had failed , TV had taken its place : the gods and goddesses of the new world were the stars and staresses of soap : the bosses ' latest plot to keep the minds of the proletariat addled .
13 Even in times of peace it required constant vigilance to keep the peoples across the Rhine in check .
14 Anxious to keep the Syrians at the negotiating table for the Middle East peace talks , the West would also discourage such action , Western diplomatic sources said .
15 In the absence of competition , the government 's Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme , under which civil servants and drug companies negotiate a ‘ fair ’ price for the NHS 's drug purchases , is meant to keep the profits of the companies reasonable .
16 Chairman Bob Kimber felt that it was important to try to keep the animals off the roads , perhaps by reclassifying some footpaths as bridleways .
17 Dr Galdikas maintains that the animals are not sick ( the test results have subsequently been questioned ) , and that , anyway , Tanjung Puting has a special isolation area , and that the TB tests are being used as an excuse to keep the animals in the research laboratory .
18 Collapsing off the diving board with laughter at his own joke , Seb just managed to keep the binoculars above the water level .
19 Their life had become a never-ending trudge to keep the Looms of the necromancer weaving dreadful enchantments .
20 If the women really are changing the parturition rules for the second time in ten years , it is probably more to keep the men on the hop than anything else — just as black people keep changing the name you are allowed to call them in order to keep whitey on his toes .
21 The first loan was often sought to escape a pauper funeral , to keep the children off the school meals list , to pay for boots , or to tide the family over the illness of the breadwinner .
22 It was decided to keep the negotiations for the tennis courts and the cooking centre separate and that , as a first move , the committee should seek an extension on the lease of the tennis courts .
23 Winans was aware that Journal policy was to keep the contents of the column secret prior to publication and that the contents of the column were regarded as the Journal 's confidential information .
24 ‘ The honey is to keep the beans on the knife , of course .
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