Example sentences of "to keep up [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the desire to keep up a respectable level of income or the desire of the woman to have a job or career , may lead to the woman going to work .
2 Theda threw her a grateful look , and hurried after Miss Merchiston , whose familiarity with the steep staircase enabled her to keep up a cracking pace .
3 Will others choose to keep up a continuous presence in covering Yugoslavia in the way that we have over the past year ?
4 In the Old Testament , farmer Amos , with rustic bluntness , flays those who attempt to keep up a religious facade without matching conduct ; and James , his outspoken New Testament counterpart , exposes those who are " hearers of the word " but not " doers " of it .
5 As we mentioned in Chapter 5 , at this stage you need only time-table three or perhaps four exercise routines per week ( where you get slightly breathless at each session for a half-hour period ) in order to keep up a reasonable degree of fitness .
6 A fat lot he even cared about being late for church and she trying to keep up a good style .
7 Stamina or endurance refers to your capacity to keep up a certain level of sustained exercise .
8 ( I felt like telling him those bastards had aged me by years , but I suppose we have to keep up a brave face . )
9 As there may be in excess of 1000 mouth to feed , then it can prove difficult to keep up a constant supply of live foods and the authors have found that dried food is adequate as a first food .
10 The hypothesis that we are in a position to keep up a constant supply of fresh and highly-trained troops to replace those exhausted in battle , and also of the necessary supplies and ammunition , is erroneous .
11 In the meantime , try to keep up a social life and meet other people .
12 ‘ I like to keep up a brisk pace . ’
13 The other LASMO drivers — Dave Fowler and Matt Whitelaw — also managed to keep up a blistering pace , but this did not deter Dave Brittan who finished well ahead of the field .
14 It can take just as much fortitude to go it alone as it does to keep up a public front .
15 From this vantage point they were to keep up a steady rifle fire on the sepoys advancing over the open ground until they heard the first ringing of the Church bell .
16 Not only did he have to keep wafting a smoke machine to create that distinctive curry house fug , and smoking cigarettes down to the level of the previous scene ; he also had to keep up a steady supply of fresh poppadums .
17 It was the Collector 's hope that thus even a few men would be able to keep up a heavy fire .
18 The Bank also uses the Exchange Equalization Account to intervene in the foreign exchange market by buying up surplus sterling to keep up the external value of the pound .
19 Even when I can understand all they are saying , they give me little opportunity to reply , so anxious are they to keep up the headlong momentum of their own speech ; then they complain that I say nothing !
20 This book seems to be based on the techniques I have long suspected some producers use to keep a discussion going for the full length of a programme whether there is anything in it or not , to keep up the emotional temperature even about unexciting things , and to emit statements which are just distorted enough to get people objecting , whether they are worth objecting to or not .
21 He had no idea what an effort it had been for Topaz to keep up the easy flow of chatter .
22 Political persuasion was required to keep up the political momentum , and given the changing age profile of the electorate — many of whom had not been adults a decade ago — Sir Geoffrey warned : ‘ We 've got to choose the style to match the mood of Britain . ’
23 What a lack of self-confidence this implies : the present wants both to patronise the past by adjudicating on its political acceptability , and also to be flattered by it , to be patted on the back and told to keep up the good work .
24 We hope you find the current issue still of interest and we plan to keep up the good work during the coming year seeking out happenings/events/ stories to retell for you , but as it is your newspaper do contact us with your own ideas and suggestions at any time .
25 At times , pressure on space meant we could not do justice to the work she did for us , but nevertheless she continued to keep up the high standards she set herself .
26 If you 're going to keep up the same pattern of commitments the answer is that the army is already stretched as it clan be and so are the other two services and this is putting a terrific strain on the individual servicemen and their families .
27 These hints had their final expression in an astonishing personal letter written by Knox to Mary on 26 October 1559 , claiming that ‘ if it be the office of a very friend to give true and faithful counsel to them whom he sees run to destruction for lack of the same , I could not be proven enemy to your Grace but rather a friend unfeigned ’ — even if moderation was never Knox 's strong suit and so , unable to keep up the quiet tone of the letter , he felt impelled to throw in a postscript : ‘ God move your heart yet in time to consider that ye fight not against man , but against the eternal God , and against his Son Jesus Christ , the only Prince of the kings of the earth . ’
28 Alone with Shannon , Marianne did n't bother to keep up the saccharin-sweet condescension she bestowed on her when Dane and Josh were around , and the undisguised venom in her green eyes sent a ripple of unease along Shae 's spine .
29 The immediate priority was to keep up an unrelenting pressure on the enemy supply lines .
30 The educational establishment likes to keep up an old-fashioned mystique on such matters , and I believe that that establishment is one of the problems we face .
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