Example sentences of "come to a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From this experience we have come to a new recognition of the marginalisation of North American cultural and ethnic groups .
2 I 've come to a tremendous decision today .
3 Yet he must contain the depths of his feelings , his hatred , his fervent wish to see his stepson come to a sorry end .
4 And what more could Miss Waters do but affirm that if one could not perform one 's Christian duty without being treated as a busybody then the parish had come to a sorry pass ?
5 By 1982 ( the EC 's 25th birthday ) the momentum for a Single European Market had come to a virtual standstill .
6 The wall of molten lava has come to a virtual halt 150 yards from the first home in the town , but officials said yesterday that its flow appeared to have picked up speed further up the slope .
7 I tell him I am a writer and that I was robbed in Cuzco Airport and lost camera , films and all my writing , so I have come to a tranquil place to try to remember .
8 G. Sankoff and Vincent ( 1980 ) in a smaller historical investigation come to a parallel conclusion that stylistically stratified patterns of variable deletion of the negative particle ne in French have changed very little since the sixteenth century , when deletion was associated with informal styles .
9 For a communist militant who had devoted his life to the struggle against fascist barbarism and oppression , the revelation that the Soviet communist state had come to a private agreement with Hitler 's Nazi Germany was a mortal body blow .
10 ROBERT Hall 's love affair with Rolls-Royces has come to a temporary halt .
11 The closest that the prewar colonel had come to a political affiliation had been with progressive , Christian anti-fascists .
12 On the ground , in accordance with the order , 5 Corps had already entered negotiations with the Soviet authorities to take them over , and had come to a final decision ( reported to Eighth Army ) on which groups were to go .
13 It 's clear our little truce has come to a grinding halt .
14 I know this caused an immense amount of debate at Personnel sub-committee , and I thought that Personnel sub-committee had come to a reasonable solution .
15 Because the sun 's rotation drove the planets around , the whole system would have come to a gentle halt for the duration of the miracle .
16 Of course , many people concerned with language teaching have come to a similar conclusion .
17 The career that looked so promising in 1974 has evidently come to a premature end .
18 Now , as a letter to the Times pointed out last week , the word ‘ train ’ is being replaced by ‘ service ’ — as in ‘ Please do not open the doors until the service has come to a complete standstill . ’
19 In the name of Allah , things have come to a pretty pass if the tabloids are influencing England 's selection policy .
20 But things have come to a pretty pass when obesity is confused with the wobbly bits the good Lord designed for girls — the bits that should stick out at the front and back of a strapless ballgown .
21 When he 'd been banging on for several minutes about immigration , infiltration , dilution of the great Anglo-Saxon race and a lot more of the same , I seized the opportunity , rather neatly I thought , to observe that indeed things had come to a pretty pass when the name Patel was as common as Smith in England .
22 another revolution I mean that the fight that none , none of these things have really come to a full success , yeah , so nobody looks at them and says well we need no more revolutions because they 'll all work .
23 Will Tie Rack come to a full stop ?
24 They have come to a full stop .
25 But in 1795 and 1796 , after seeking the answers to his problems from Godwin 's book and finding none , Wordsworth had come to a full stop : he had become ‘ Sick , wearied out with contrarieties ’ ( Prelude 1805 , x , 900–1 ) and finally ‘ yielded up moral questions in despair ’ .
26 I feel I 've come to a full stop and so does Toby .
27 Her life had simply come to a full stop .
28 ‘ You see , ’ the chief inspector went on , ‘ I 've come to a dead end . ’
29 Things have not worked out as expected , there has been a snag , the line of development has come to a dead end , the promising drug is not safe enough for people and so on .
30 The regime was n't defeated although it had come to a dead end and the liberation movement did not conquer the situation although they made government impossible .
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