Example sentences of "come [adv prt] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Shush , Mamma , ’ Rosa had said , and then Sabina had come in again with the bird — it would make only a bite to eat .
2 Epilepsy has now come in ahead of the field thanks to the ingenuity and determination of During and Spencer at Yale .
3 The Hochhauser Season had come along just at the right time , a time when she needed a little excitement , a little glamour , a little of the old camaraderie that she had known with her friends in Vienna .
4 One of the soldiers had come up on to the cabin top .
5 Something come up there onto the brink of the gulf ,
6 Almost before you can see what has come up out of the hold the fish is loaded on the barrow and trundled off at breakneck speed , followed by the small boys and the cats .
7 Our other major domestic market , the distilling industry has come back strongly from the low levels of production of the early 1980s and appears full of optimism , if the huge rise in the share prices of quoted distilling companies is a fair yardstick .
8 ‘ Years ago we threw the old didacticism ( dowdy morality ) out of the window ; it has come back in at the door wearing modern dress ( smart values ) and we do not even recognize it ’ ( p. 159 ) .
9 Jilly Jonathan was sitting just as she had been ever since they had come out on to the terrace .
10 Then , not even glancing at the room beyond , or at a woman who had come out on to the stairs , she led him away to a small room of perfect luxury at the back of the house , which was clearly her own .
11 In the less than half light Owen saw that Georgiades had come out on to the gallery .
12 Chasing him , she had rapidly lost her bearings in the heavy forest terrain and only by accident had come out again behind the house into the vegetable garden .
13 The sun had come out fully over the abbey mills and the narrow bridge of Meole brook , and in the foregate there was bustle enough .
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