Example sentences of "put [adv prt] by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The trouble , ’ said Fred , ‘ is that your tournament is being put on by a bunch of aircraft public relations people . ’
2 Demonstrations were put on by the Institute of Aquaculture and the departments of Environmental Science , Education , Psychology , Biological and Molecular Sciences , Japanese Studies , English Studies and Information Services .
3 The message , the actual information , is put in by the user ( words to be processed , for instance , or numbers to be crunched ) or by professional suppliers ( of training manuals or porn films ) .
4 Youth provision is , is a county council responsibility not a city council responsibility although for your information Mr , without the er zodiac youth centre grant in the ninety one , ninety two figures er , two hundred and thirty nine thousand one hundred and sixty six pounds were put in by the city council into that s , into that specific area in the Humberstone ward and the amount that was put in there in this financial year was approximately the same , but the reason being that there is no mar more money available is because hundreds of thousand of pounds were cut out of youth and community facilities that should have been provided by this city council by the Tory budget which this council approved last February .
5 Now what we 're hearing today in in the document that 's been put in by the County is that their assertion is that since nineteen eighty the changing erm common agriculture policy has meant that more farm land in the county is coming into play for development than was the case in nineteen eighty erm not least of all through set aside and general policies of diversification .
6 Therefore , while most of the effort in preparing plans is put in by the business units , the planning department attempts to guide the strategic discussion by identifying key environmental issues .
7 A further three were put down by a vet .
8 These were swiftly put down by a detachment of the newly established Armed Police firing tear gas into the crowds .
9 In Virginia , dependence on a one-crop export trade led to trouble : the price of tobacco continued to fall after Charles 's restoration , and thus was the main reason for Bacon 's rebellion in 1675 , which was put down by the government of the colony before royal troops arrived from England .
10 The Bill is bound to be extensively amended before it reaches the statute book — at the time of writing 16 , amendments have been put down by the Government and 25 of them are of major importance — but it is believed that few if any of these amendments will affect settlements under which there is subsisting an interest in possession .
11 He declined to postpone his visit to Argentina , expressing confidence that a military rebellion which had begun there on Dec. 3 [ see p. 37913 ] would be put down by the government of President Carlos Saúl Menem , whom he thanked for sending two Argentinian frigates to the Gulf .
12 The uprising was put down by the action of the police and the army , and an unknown number of people were killed , among them Muhammadu Marwa Maitatsine , leader of the fanatical sect which was at the centre of the trouble .
13 So do n't be put off by a sign that says no money refunded .
14 Cos if he 's not being put off by a boyfriend which most men would .
15 I had arrived for my first meeting with the North Downs Steam Railway which is managed by a friendly group of enthusiasts who are not prepared to be put off by a drop of rain , even if it was one of the heaviest storms of the summer .
16 But ministers were put off by the cost .
17 ( He is put off by the sight of Wayne , who is pogoing furiously behind his keyboards , like someone at a Members gig in 1978 ) Erm , excuse me , but what do you think you 're doing ?
18 So please do n't be put off by the title , it says Help the Aged , I ai n't going in there !
19 He was not at all put off by the possibility that his alternative ‘ may well be even more cruel ’ .
20 On the whole , most of us lead very sedentary lives these days and are often put off by the thought of taking exercise .
21 Do n't be put off by the thought that this is no job for the novice — not everything in surveys is a matter of technical knowledge .
22 Many people are put off by the thought of heading abroad to backpack , but with a bit of careful planning , it 's within anyone 's reach .
23 If you are interested , above all do n't be put off by the thought that you are too old/young/weak/unskilled etc .
24 Some critics link this with the sharp drop in foreign investment last year , though foreigners may also have been put off by the army 's killing of civilian demonstrators in Bangkok last May .
25 Many who would like to enter nursing and believe they are too old are put off by the knowledge that even if they do venture , they will find themselves alone in the company of a large group of teenagers .
26 That way if you 're really keen you can learn something worthwhile — and if you 're just messing about you 'll be put off by the price .
27 Perhaps buyers are put off by the complexity of learning a new technology .
28 Well we know that a lot of beginners are put off by the complexity of larger boats and one great advantage of the Topper is that it 's so quick to raise and easy to sail , so great for beginners .
29 There is no need to be put off by the name , for in fact database systems are simply computerised filing cabinets .
30 He says people are put off by the name ’ Majors Arms ’ because of its link with the Prime Minister .
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