Example sentences of "feet and [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Stiffly , feeling like an old woman , she got to her feet and trudged between the hummocks till she reached the top of one of the new dunes on the shoreline .
2 He leapt to his feet and sprinted across the room .
3 Jock was on his feet and leaning on the parapet of the trench .
4 He got to his feet and crossed to the window of the office .
5 In the epicentre of the maelstrom , with the moon at her feet and crowned with the stars was Maggie , surprisingly unmoved .
6 She walked a few feet and stabbed at the earth with the fork .
7 Ross slowly withdrew his arm from about her shoulders , a muscle beating tightly in his jaw as he rose to his feet and walked across the room to where some bottles and cut-glass decanters stood on a tray .
8 Nadirpur climbed wearily to his feet and walked to the window .
9 Laidlaw took another mouthful of beer then got to his feet and walked to the stairs at the end of the room .
10 Well , she 'd simply have to find the strength within herself to resist that power , she decided grimly , rising to her feet and reaching for the long black dress she 'd laid out earlier to change into .
11 Whitlock got to his feet and crossed to the dispenser against the wall .
12 Hitch got to his feet and crossed to the door .
13 Miles rose to his feet and fiddled with the knobs of his gleaming fixed-spool reel .
14 Still idly curious , Guy got to his feet and strolled across the bailey and past the hall .
15 It flew up from under his feet and rolled down the steep path .
16 The fellow swayed on his feet and staggered through the doorway .
17 No one could call Graham Little , our Bergführer and former Mountaineering Council of Scotland president , in the first flush of youth , but the man 's well over six feet and built like the proverbial … house , which does help .
18 ‘ You do what you want , Mike , ’ she snapped then got to her feet and strode to the door .
19 Suddenly , Boz sprang to his feet and strode towards the group outside the caravan , his face screwed up in fury .
20 The eyebrow quirked further , but fitzAlan merely rose to his feet and reached for the pack on the floor beside the bed .
21 But as he spoke the figure jumped to its feet and ran to the edge of the shelf .
22 After mopping up the mess-tin with a large piece of French bread that had accompanied the stew , I got to my feet and looked around the barn .
23 He looked at it for a second then got to his feet and stamped on the eye , hearing it pop beneath his foot .
24 She scrambles to her feet and dives into the water , the wine haze clearing from her mind , hearing coots fighting in the reeds .
25 She rose gracefully to her feet and made for the front door , with Melissa following .
26 ‘ Sergeant King , seeing the approach of the car and still alive , struggled to his feet and made towards the car , ’ said Mr Nutting .
27 Mr Bumble jumped to his feet and went to the other end of the room .
28 Farouk got to his feet and came round the desk to shake her hand .
29 Some of the veterans were on the point of giving tongue but young Donald McCulloch was on his feet and moving into the middle of the ring , he was full of himself , sparkling with mischief but with an undertow of ardour .
30 Monique Lavaux deposited the dog at her feet and vanished into the house , to return almost immediately with a tall jug , clanking with ice , and two tumblers .
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