Example sentences of "feet [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the recorders must be capable of replay after a hard steel spike with a frontal area of 0.05 square inches is dropped from a height of ten feet on to the recorder when attached to a weight of 500 lb .
2 He put his feet on to the floor and saw that he still had his shoes on .
3 She swung her feet on to the floor , and stood before him .
4 When Billy finally opened , it was an immediate hit , the lavish production opening spectacularly with Crawford descending forty feet on to the stage by parachute , with the help of a harness .
5 Luckily , Andy cottoned on to what I was trying to say and took the cradle to the top of the building , where we had to jump six feet on to the roof .
6 We push ourselves higher and higher into the air and our shoes fall from our feet on to the concrete below us .
7 Otherwise , the position of the feet along with the amount of weight placed through the booms onto the mastfoot determine the angle of heel .
8 As soon as I dropped about 70 feet down towards the restaurant , via the tourist runway with its ridiculous little suburban garden fences bordering the steps , the wind ceased and I stepped out of the snow .
9 The alluvial soil on which the city stood was frozen all year round but thawed a few feet down during the summer .
10 ‘ Interesting , ’ said Corman , as he sat back in his chair and banged his feet down on the row of seats in front of him .
11 Of a dive that took her 1,250 feet down to the floor of the Pacific , Sylvia Earle said , ‘ The light was faint but , when my eyes adjusted , the world I saw was incredibly beautiful .
12 Slowly , he swung his feet down to the floor and sat up , experimentally flexing a pair of broad shoulders to ease an apparent tension .
13 ‘ Thank you for bringing my feet down to the ground .
14 A square vessel and parts of other domestic articles of wood were found about eight feet down in a peat moss at Strathmore , near Gruinart , and bones of a fifteen years old girl and a cow horn were turned up by the same peat diggers .
15 Here a great mass of molten rock , lying only a few thousand feet down in the earth 's crust , heats the rocks on the surface .
16 At midday , he always took a half-hour break , sitting in the kitchen armchair with his feet up on a stool , nibbling toast and dripping and preparing for another long afternoon behind the counter .
17 Well usually cos I got my feet up on a bench and I ca n't reach keyboard so
18 Pete had arranged himself in the passenger seat so that he could get his feet up on the dashboard .
19 Now he sat out on the porch with his chair tilted back and his feet up on the rail , and he sipped at his beer as he watched the patterns of sunlight on the forest over on the far side of the track .
20 Tammuz threw himself into a chair and put his feet up on the edge of his workstation .
21 Feet up on the fender , paper on the floor ,
22 Venture capitalists like to keep close tabs on their investments , going down to the offices of the fledging chief executive officers once a week , putting their feet up on the desk and playing father confessor .
23 I swung my feet up on the desk and lay back in the chair .
24 He put his feet up on the desk , tilted back the swivel executive chair and went to sleep .
25 But it 's probably the sort of house where visitors feel sufficiently at ease to put their feet up on the sofa .
26 I would sit with her often for a whole hour , she with her feet up on the sofa , resting .
27 Brown started to giggle to himself , put his feet up on the sofa and waited for the images and feelings to take possession of him .
28 The kitchen , I assume , thought Leonora , and swung her feet up on the sofa , chuckling at the ludicrously large socks .
29 Maurice was sitting sideways behind his desk , feet up on the radiator beneath the window , one hand flexing his lower lip while the other trailed across the blotter .
30 Then he put his feet up on the bench and snored for ten minutes .
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