Example sentences of "required [verb] they [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There is equally little doubt that at this period , when the idea of tearing out ancient roots was still strange and terrifying to most people , some kind of cataclysmic force was still required to drive them into the unknown .
2 On the supply side both the quantity and quality of designers emerging from design courses may be that good designers are not receiving the recognition in terms of pay , conditions , status etc , required to keep them in the field and/or in the UK .
3 Overall these data indicate that the informal sector is the main provider of help to older people , especially with the personal and household tasks which are required to maintain them in the community .
4 Once they have completed their work , their recommendations are presented to a government minister , the home secretary , who is then required to lay them before the House of Commons for approval .
5 The proper case is one where the administrator reasonably requires to see the documents to carry out his functions and the production does not impose an unnecessary and unreasonable burden on the person required to produce them in the light of the administrator 's requirements .
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