Example sentences of "easy [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's too easy to fall into the trap of being negative .
2 I think it 's very easy to fall into the trap of feeling guilty .
3 It is all too easy to fall into the trap of wandering on , following the whim of the moment , chopping and changing from sombre meditations to joyous paeans .
4 It is easy to fall into the trap of looking for causal relations between what we ( the education community ) do and what pupils achieve , and forget to take into account our pupils ' own efforts , perceptions and experiences .
5 Improving the layout of a page , or correcting the odd error or two , is now so simple that it is very easy to fall into the trap of poor style , loose grammar , or idiomatic phrasing .
6 It is easy to fall into the trap of the seductive powers of an existing technique that sounds fun and has had success elsewhere — beware ! !
7 It is fatally easy to fall into the habit .
8 It 's easy to fall into the habit of small hooks .
9 It must be so easy to fall into the habit of saying the right thing , what was expected .
10 It is easy to see on the dinner plate that the muscles down each side of any fish are arranged as a row of segments , a battery of muscle units .
11 The need for the Bill , which will tidy up the law on the legality of traffic-calming measures , is easy to see throughout the country .
12 Smaller and paler , especially beneath , than Skylark ( p. 205 ) , with no crest , shorter bill , unstreaked underparts and a distinctive small dark patch on each side of breast , not always easy to see in the field .
13 It is easy to see from the list of qualities appropriate to the good Beguine listed in one thirteenth-century manuscript how their piety engaged with contemplative spirituality .
14 Ancient travellers did not find it easy to go into the interior of countries .
15 I found it very easy to go into the science sixth and nobody suggested that it was n't a ladylike thing to do .
16 Tasks ( c ) and ( d ) are , however , complex and daunting , and easy to neglect in the light of the more clamorous needs of ( a ) and ( b ) .
17 Since citizenship has become a fashionable and acceptable word , it is easy to slip into the habit of using it in preference to ‘ individual rights ’ or ‘ human rights ’ , but it is important to bear in mind the desirability of keeping the private sphere of the life of the individual separate from his role as citizen , an essentially political role and status .
18 The street was wider there and Owen 's men found it easy to slip round the Sheikh separating him from his followers and surrounding him .
19 On the other hand , such an approach generally gives rise to very voluminous output neither easy to absorb from the screen of a VDU nor conducive to constructive contemplation when transferred to the continuous stationery produced by line printers .
20 It is very easy to concentrate on the intonation only at the beginning , and then get slack and start imposing your mother tongue intonation on the new language .
21 This combination gives me more than sufficient choice of tonal colour to match the different kinds of music and is easy to adjust during the service .
22 Solutions to the Ferranti crisis are not going to be easy to find despite the way in which the company has been inundated with offers of help .
23 Just above it is a block of plastic which combines a Euro-style power socket , a fuse carrier and the main power switch — which should be easy to find in the dark , as it 's directly above the mains lead .
24 Willi Herget , a Luftwaffe nightfighter ace with 74 confirmed kills , told me that halfway along this track it was easy to guess at the target , because a line of burning British bombers pointed the way to Nuremburg .
25 In the life she led it would have been all too easy to succumb to the myriad temptations on offer , but she had seen them for the shallow , worthless things they were , and valued her self-respect too highly to accept dross when she knew she must seek for gold .
26 Hockney was easy to sell to the English , but it was the Belgian bourgeoisie who proved the best buyers of the bulk of the gallery 's art , the abstract colour-field paintings .
27 ‘ It 's not easy to talk against the noise .
28 Except in very calm and clear conditions flocks of birds are not easy to detect on the sea at any distance , and this , coupled with the shallowness of the water which may enable birds to feed well out to sea , probably results in many species being under recorded .
29 On the face of it , it is easy to sympathise with the president 's view that ‘ as a sovereign state , ’ Kenya will no longer accept ‘ any form of economic arm-twisting from any quarter . ’
30 It is all too easy to lead to the conclusion that compliance with regulations is all that is required for safety , i.e. compliance ends up taking precedence over the wider considerations of risk management .
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