Example sentences of "top of [art] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 Inkwells were let into the top of the desks and each Friday afternoon the ink monitors from Standard Seven would arrive with trays , collect these inkwells , take them into the lobby and refill them with very watery ink from a small water can .
2 Marriott was the chirpy Cockney sparrer who lead The Small Faces , who performed that strange pigeon-toed shuffle on Top of the Pops and wrote ‘ Lazy Sunday Afternoon ’ .
3 By subvert from within , I mean to actually be on Top Of The Pops and compromising in little bits so that they have big hit records .
4 They seem to run the gamut from what you might call the ‘ tabloid television ’ of Top of the Pops and The Hit Man and Her , via the ‘ serious ’ ‘ quality ’ programmes like Rock Steady or Big World Café , to the more lefty ‘ alternative ’ programmes , of which The Tube was the prototype , like Channel 4 's Club X .
5 I saw a group last year that had a re-release go top ten ; they appeared on Top Of The Pops and they looked so old and so wrong .
6 He feared he had chicken pox and would have to cancel his debut appearance on Top Of The Pops and other shows .
7 ‘ Our ambition does n't end after our initial appearance on Top Of The Pops and maybe having a party after gig or whatever , ’ he perseveres , passionately .
8 Despite playing chess on Top Of The Pops and beaming lasers on to buildings à la Jean Michel Jarre , they are far less analytical of their impact than might be expected .
9 We asked you to tell us why your dad was Top of the Pops and you kept those letters pouring in .
10 We asked you to tell us why your dad was Top of the Pops and you kept those letters pouring in .
11 We saw it on telly and the er what was it Crispen or er Crispen something typical vegetarian names and she was criticizing the television Top Of The Pops and how they could do better you know and they got an art
12 Can you remember them on Top of the Pops and that dance where they used to sort out walk round in circles but not
13 Spread them over the top of the onions and round the sides of the casserole .
14 The typical town house may well have tall windows — the perfect framework for a luxurious amount of fabric swagged across the top of the windows and gathered back with tasselled cords or tailored tie backs .
15 Then a series of keratophyres were extruded on top of the spilites and weathered into rounded hills with detrital pyritous sand banked up against them .
16 Christmas in a wild Welsh valley with the stars shining on top of the mountains and everyone singing and singing , the way they all sang in Wales ; so beautifully , natural as birds !
17 Place on top of the leaves and garnish with the chives .
18 But at least Lewis is a fighting man who is eager to climb over the top of the trenches and go into battle to earn his rights .
19 This time place both your whole forearms horizontally across the back and slide them slowly , yet firmly , apart , one up the back to the top of the shoulders and the other down to the top of the buttocks ; use a fair amount of pressure ( see Fig. 10 ) .
20 The ground was largely excavated by hand , and shovelled into small tipping trucks , which were then hauled on rails by horses.4 ; Excavated material from the lower level was raised to form the top of the planes and a stretch of embanked canal to connect them with the summit pound .
21 A head with dose-cropped hair appeared at the top of the stairs and seeing Martin , smiled .
22 He 'll take them to the top of the stairs and make sure they know when to go on — usually by the gracious means of a prod in the back .
23 The two men were at the top of the stairs and almost within grabbing distance , but if either had tried it he would have left his fingers in the frame as the bang echoed through the house and Carson thumbed the deadlock button , just in case they had any ideas about picking their way in .
24 When she reached the top of the stairs and turned to descend she saw Simon on the hall phone and hesitated , wondering .
25 She did n't look up as Quiss — panting heavily — appeared at the top of the stairs and made his way down the length of the dimly lit room .
26 The approaching footsteps ran lightly to the top of the stairs and came towards them .
27 And she used to go with the district nurses a lot to er to treat different people specially a long time I remember erm a young man erm h he had er I think it was cerebral palsy he had and er he was so fed up with himself he threw paraffin over himself and er set light you know on the top of the stairs and threw himself down .
28 They reached the top of the stairs and headed along the corridor , Ronni 's heart beating so loudly she was sure he must hear it .
29 The wide , centuries-old oak floorboards on the landing creaked softly as Guy reached the top of the stairs and caught up with her .
30 Them two standing at the top of the stairs and
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