Example sentences of "further [verb] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When the Department of Industry announced its " Microcomputers in schools " , scheme in 1980 , it seemed to Provide an opportunity for Promoting the use of the microcomputer in school libraries and through that further to promote the school library .
2 This leads to interest expectations not being met — in itself a breach of covenant — and interest being capitalised , which further erodes the security margin .
3 In their best spell just after half-time , Kenny Halliday had a penalty for Grangemouth , and he further interrupted the West flow with another penalty midway through the half .
4 The variations in end-user requirements and the differences between the ‘ multicurrency ’ solutions on offer further complicate the selection process .
5 VAT is then levied at 175% on the duty paid price , further widening the tax disadvantage placed on spirits .
6 The film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid further reinforced the nostalgia boom .
7 He further told The Art Newspaper that completion of a new wing in 1991 has now given the Brooks the physical space to handle the attendance ‘ WONDERS ’ has drawn .
8 I if I might say erm after further reviews the County Treasurer has advised that erm he does not need to impose a limit erm i it 's the last sentence in paragraph four .
9 The present contest has further weakened the Campaign Group .
10 The US-based Africa Watch on Jan. 18 , and the international human rights organization Amnesty International on Jan. 25 , published reports further damaging the Barre regime 's image on human rights issues .
11 She further condemned the press use of the words ‘ dawn raid ’ , describing it as an emotive term .
12 Shock affects the blood pressure and you should neither smoke nor drink alcohol in a state of shock as this further affects the blood pressure .
13 " In the spandrels of this roundel the large birds ( in their positioning at least ) further recall the Woodchester mosaic and its four reclining nymphs. ( b ) Both mosaics also include an outer band of swastika meander relieved by only four narrow strips of guilloche mat .
14 This fibre-forming process further increases the energy level of the cell , and consequently the field strength between cells that have coupled .
15 The combination of ranitidine with cisapride further diminished the acid reflux found with ranitidine — that is , cisapride led to an additional reduction of total reflux ( from 6.4 ( 1.2- 22.8 ) % to 3.7 ( 1.0–12.7 ) % , p<0.01 ) , supine reflux ( p<0.05 ) , and postprandial reflux ( p<0.05 ) .
16 The world depression further demoralized the labour movement , as it had begun in Britain under a Labour government and struck hardest at the major centres of unionism and Labour support .
17 While a changed social structure was a pre-requisite to technological change , technological advances , once they began , further affected the caste structure of the village .
18 A transfer of registered land made otherwise than for valuable consideration is subject to all minor interests ( see Land Registration Act 1925 , ss20(4) and 23(5) ) ; the taking of the express " beneficial owner " covenants gives the wife the additional protection that if in fact the property is subject to any claim or demand not previously revealed , not only would any right of action in respect thereof against the husband be better founded , but the implied covenant for further assurance ( implied in the beneficial owner covenants but not in the covenant as " trustee " ) will require the husband to execute and do all assurances and things necessary for further assuring the subject matter of the transfer .
19 The wood required for fencing the enclosures had further reduced the forest cover , ‘ and the tumults arising there from searching for cattle etc. ’ had ‘ frightened away most of the deer ’ .
20 Six double O ones in the gear , the six eight O seven and the one six double O fours in the valve , that basically that drives the gear if you like , in simple terms , and a David 's point was that if we 're allowing to further develop the valve business , and we 're just standing still say , on the gear business , and ultimately they have a bigger supplier , and ultimately put either gear business under more and more pressure , yeah ?
21 One final nail in the coffin may be the accelerating rate of rural petrol station closures since this would further encourage the car owner to leave the local village for petrol and other services ( Dean , 1983 ) .
22 On the one hand , the supporters need to learn how not to collude with any counterproductive dynamics of the institution they are trying to serve ( such as the expectation of direct advice , collusion with which would further heighten the expert image of the ‘ deskilling ’ specialist come to deliver solutions ) ; on the other hand , since their primary task is augmenting the teachers ' own skills , they must be able to cope with attributed evasion of responsibility , with not knowing their job , with letting people down .
23 Defaults on both unsecured consumer credit and mortgage-related business have increased markedly since 1988 , and property repossessions by mortgage lenders have further depressed the housing market .
24 That 's further compounding the maintenance burden on the I T department or the information systems provider .
25 He added : ‘ The results of these discussions will dictate what further actions the university management may have to take to safeguard the studies and the future careers of 450 affected students . ’
26 If longer is required , further to admire the art work carried out by the local mortician/beautician , you merely press a button and are then given another three seconds .
27 ‘ The event proved useful in providing some positive plans for further exploiting the water sector , ’ said David Simmers , corporate training manager and even organiser .
28 The move will clearly further raise the auction house 's presence in Singapore , where it already holds twice-yearly exhibitions of Chinese paintings , ceramics , jade carvings and jewellery .
29 " I shall also give a warning to those present , to the effect that , in my view , nothing could be worse for the treatment of cholera than the warm baths , mustard-plasters and compresses recommended by Dr Dunstaple , which can only further reduce the water content of the blood No medicine could be more dangerous in cholera collapse than opium , and calomel in the form of a pill is utterly useless . "
30 When modules are deleted , only ‘ tight coupling ’ relationships from the module are retained ; the ‘ loose coupling ’ relationships are deleted to further reduce the LIFESPAN database file store requirement .
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