Example sentences of "let us now [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Let us now assume the opposite case .
2 Let us now abandon the connection with a mechanical system , and treat this as a problem involving any given real matrix A , the eigenvalues and vectors for which have to be found .
3 Let us now anticipate the molar mass measurements to be described in chapter 9 and examine the osmotic pressure of a polymer solution in the light of equation ( 8.35 ) .
4 Let us now examine the notion of semantic constituent .
5 Let us now examine the characteristics , and possible effects on the formation of social collectivities , of the various aspects of the division of labour which have been identified .
6 Let us now examine the published accounts of a simplified local authority to see the effects of adopting fund accounting .
7 LET us now ascend the tower .
8 Let us now make the problem a little more complicated by assuming that only part of the disc is in an appreciable magnetic field , as shown in Fig. 4.17(a) .
9 Let us now make the question more precise , and ask whether the experience has the same effect at any time , or whether there are particular ‘ sensitive periods ’ at which it will be more influential than at others .
10 Let us now leave the Great Russians of the Kursk guberniia and move out of the hills to the south of Nikol'skaia volost' .
11 But let us now alter the lexis somewhat and consider the following three words in association :
12 Let us now review the essential steps in the proposed coevolutionary circuit .
13 Let us now follow the development of the surviving cell .
14 Let us now impose the restriction that whenever we perform an elementary postmultiplying operation to make up Q , we premultiply by the inverse operation to make up P , so that
15 Let us now consider the class of mental processes which are not perspective-takings of this kind , which are , in some sense , directly caused by proximal stimuli .
16 Let us now consider the distribution of GNP in a sample of countries in the world , as shown in figure 11.1 .
17 Let us now consider the various elements , such as rainfall , hail , thunder , heat and cold , snow , sleet , fog , wind and sunshine that make up the weather .
18 So let us now consider the constellations one by one , and see what we can find .
19 Let us now consider the types of instruction required by a computer with an array of accumulators .
20 Let us now consider the requirements of a multiprogramming system , where we have a number of programs occupying main storage and competing for an allocation of time on the processor .
21 Let us now consider the primary lexical relations ( i.e. congruence relations ) individually and in detail .
22 Let us now consider the third version of the argument .
23 Let us now consider the techniques of the salmon .
24 Let us now consider the various stages in framing a document profile .
25 Let us now consider the effect of the corporation tax .
26 4.1 Let us now consider the fourth position for adjectives : predicate qualifying occurrence , seen in : ( 1 ) Alastair likes his beef tea strong the jury found Ernest guilty she buys her dresses ready-made
27 Let us now consider the conditions under which three mixtures in this system boil .
28 Let us now introduce the Housing Accounts .
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