Example sentences of "let i give [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Let me give you a little drop of scotch .
2 Let me give you a personal illustration .
3 Let me give you a partial answer for the moment .
4 Let me give you a few examples :
5 Let me give you a brief word picture of the average transvestite .
6 But let me give you a particular tip here .
7 But let me give you a tip — panic .
8 Let me give you a few tips on how to make your pockets bulge …
9 Let me give you a biblical example .
10 Let me give you a hand with that suitcase , little manny . ’
11 Well , let me give you a clue .
12 Let me give you a few examples of the way in which our departments work .
13 But of course there is some choice erm let me give you a final southern er Africa example of this , Botswana geographically is one of those countries cut off from the sea , it 's a very large country but much of it is uninhabitable because it 's so arid it 's therefore a small country by almost any standards , number of people , the economy of er of Botswana is small and it 's frankly dependent upon South Africa in many ways for its transport , for its economic wellbeing , for the movement of people erm and even some educational resources .
14 What about poor old thing , let me give you a bit of TLC ? ’
15 And so we 've got to desire to have our broken relationship with God restored , you see we need to receive what God offers in Christ , the fact that Christ died for our sins does not mean a thing to us until we say yes I accept it for me , I believe you died for me , I receive it , I 'm linked into it , you see your house can be , let me give you a very simple illustration , your house is linked up with er Eastern Electricity and there is so many er I du n no what , what the what it is , but there is the power there , the there are , there are kilo watts of power on tap in your home , but in the winter you 're cold , when it gets dark outside , it 's dark inside the cooker , the electric cooker does n't work , the fridge is not operating the food is going rotten , you ca n't watch a programme on television , why , because you have n't plugged into the source of the power , it 's as simple as that , you ca n't blame the Electricity Board , it 's not Eastern Electricity 's fault it 's your fault because all the plugs are out of the sockets and it does n't matter what the Electricity Board does short of blowing up your house , they can do nothing for you and it does n't matter what God has done in Christ until we as it were to also plug in , it does n't mean a thing to us , but the moment we link in , that 's the change , the lights come on , there 's , there 's heat there , the stove works , the , the radio , the television , the record player , they 're all operating , the freezer 's working , the situation has changed , we needs to receive what God offers us in Christ
16 Erm , let , let me give you the confusing bit .
17 Let me give you the text of a talk I gave to the Bridport Women 's Institute , before the Scandal , and when Julian and I were still developing our blueprint for the world of the future .
18 But let me give you the peak of my experience as a cancer patient .
19 Let me give you an example .
20 Let me give you an example .
21 Let me give you an example .
22 Let me give you an example , one I remember because years ago when I first read the book I actually penetrated the secret .
23 Let me give you an example .
24 Let me give you an example .
25 Let me give you an example of the misuse of the press .
26 Erm the bonus element of the Pearson scheme is highly leveraged we are very keen to achieve above-average performance for our shareholders and let me give you an example , if in nineteen ninety erm Pearsons as a company achieved say five percent growth in earnings per share erm the directors ' remuneration , and by the way that 's not a forecast so I want to make that absolutely clear , it 's just an illustration if earnings per share increase by five percent and you could say , er , therefore we would expect directors ' remuneration to be perhaps increased by five percent that would n't be the case at all our directors ' salaries would actually halve erm , Ill say that again , directors ' total take home pay would halve because the salary element would n't , would n't alter .
27 No they 're not the realities , because what we 're saying is that we have to modernize the policies of the Labour Party , but the policies are absolutely based in our traditional concerns , I mean , let me give you an example , when Beveridge was talking about unemployment , and the life long need for people to work , he was talking about a male workforce , where it was a man supported by a non-working wife , now we still have at the absolute heart of our concerns in the Labour Party peoples need to work , but we 're now talking about a situation , where women are sharing with their husbands the role of bed breadwinner , and in many families the woman is the sole breadwinner , and therefore our policies about employment and the economy recognize that the world has changed , our principles are the same , but the world to which we 're applying it is very different , and , again , on that you see there would be no distinction between the so-called traditionalists and the so-called modernizers .
28 Erm let me give you an example .
29 But , very simply , what it really means , let me give you an illustration .
30 Let me give you an example to start with .
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