Example sentences of "set up [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The new sanctuary has been set up on dry prairie land south of Lac Leman .
2 The organisation will consist of executive and advisory boards and ad hoc committees and task forces will be set up for specific projects .
3 All the lead-in codes were set up for USA-style dialling ; local , long distance and so on , and whilst these could be changed the lead-out character was set to be a semi-colon .
4 A helpline has been set up for anxious parents .
5 The English girls , as I recall , were still faithfully standing by the camera we had set up for long shots , having been asked to press the button at appropriate moments when we were not in frame .
6 ‘ Places like this were set up for disenfranchised groups ’ , says Susannah Lopez , one of the two co-op members .
7 Persuading them to adhere to the doctrine of the Church of England , to persevere in that good old way ; … for having set up for Primitive Christianity , he counted Popery as well as Puritanism arrant novelty .
8 This fuelled Opposition fears that the committee was set up to rubber stamp massive cuts in welfare payments .
9 This is only to be expected , since the Brasserie has been set up along similar lines to L'Auberge ( i.e. it has the same staff ) .
10 We rarely see the Old Testament as a whole and little attention is paid to the system of political economy which is set up under divine instruction in the Pentateuch .
11 It was set up under Educational Support Grant funding in 1986 , but was financed by the City Council when the grant expired in April 1989 .
12 The IPCC had been set up under United Nations auspices following the November 1988 world climate conference [ see p. 36784 ] and was due to meet again in August 1990 in Stockholm .
13 This arrangement was used for the BBC ( the corporation ) in 1927 when it was set up under Royal Charter , and for the commercial broadcasting sector from 1954 onwards .
14 The quota system , which critics claim permits poached ivory to enter legal trade , was set up as African elephant numbers fell from an estimated 1.3 million in 1979 to about 600,000 today .
15 Perhaps we will even copy the German Gruppe in which the decentralized units are set up as separate companies with their own top managements .
16 They show how the name of the root package can be supplied to the programs from the DCL command line and how the remainder of the parameters can be set up as in-line code .
17 They show how the name of the root package can be supplied to the programs from the DCL command line and how the remainder of the parameters can be set up as in-line code .
18 A regulatory body , OFGAS , was set up with similar responsibilities to OFTEL .
19 The Oakes Report , which appeared exactly one year after the setting-up of the committee , made a number of recommendations of which perhaps the most important was that an independent national body be set up with specific terms of reference to include the ‘ general oversight of the development of maintained higher education ’ and the responsibility to ‘ collect , analyse and present where appropriate in conjunction with the Department of Education and Science and the University Grants Committee information affecting the demand for and supply of higher education in the maintained sector ’ .
20 Support networks for black managers and staff should also be set up with existing networks and resources .
21 This new board has been set up with equal representation from CGLI and BTEC to validate and examine courses for the Certificate of Pre-vocational Education ( CPVE ) .
22 Some of them feel they have been by-passed in the new security structure that is being set up with American advice ; American officers are present at most police briefings .
23 Each one must be set up with fail-safe guides for a true and even curve .
24 A democratic , parliamentary system of government has been set up with free elections at least once every five years .
25 It is looking to open further offices abroad too , to complement the distributor network it has set up across Western Europe , the Pacific Rim and Australia .
26 Nature reserves were set up around new power stations to mollify local conservationists .
27 Running was also a popular way of passing the time int he camps set up around military installations in Iraq .
28 The laws often also mean that specific committees and specific departments are set up within local authorities to administer the services .
29 Although many of the assessment centres are expected to be linked to colleges and universities , they are also likely to be set up by private consultants , individual companies and even groups of companies working together .
30 Since then many more have been established , some created by the Government to oversee newly-privatised industries and others set up by private companies attracted by the idea of a ‘ righter of wrongs ’ whom the public see as independent and impartial .
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