Example sentences of "set [adv prt] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hannah Dooley knew a bloke in Birmingham who had been set on by a group of small ‘ pod-like ’ creatures while out walking his dog .
2 The sound of a glass being set down on a table , then a door closing .
3 The sedan chair was set down in a space of its own , and the curtains drawn aside .
4 Thus , a whole range of decisions would not be left merely to the instinct of the doctor , good though he or she may be , but would be set down in a form which is at the same time authoritative , yet flexible and able to change if circumstances demand .
5 She was hazily aware of being set down in a chair , then her head was pushed none too gently between her knees .
6 The balance on a client account may not be set off against a sum owed to LCH on any other kind of account .
7 Moreover , a similar or larger proportion claim either to enjoy the frequent change of tasks and environment , the flexibility of " temping " and of being able to take spells off between assignments , or to have commitments which make continuous working impossible ; even if , as one recent survey ( Manpower , 1986 ) showed , this was Sometimes to be set off against a feeling of employment insecurity .
8 Even in Wales , where gloom and doom should have been the order of the next year or two , the clubs have set off in a style which has brought , instead , a nervous smile or two .
9 The trend of judge-made law may be set off by a case involving an atypical trade or may be located in a consumer transaction .
10 The blinking was a reflex which could equally well have been set off by a puff of wind or a flash of light .
11 The strategy which controls the frequency , duration and destination is usually set up on a systems availability base rather than being controlled by the quantity of data to be transferred and its " design delay " costs .
12 These calculations can be easily set up on a computer spreadsheet and variations may be performed to determine the best-looking selection according to the investor 's risk-return preferences .
13 There is evidence that the present east gable is a replacement , made very soon , for another , likewise with a battle , which seems then to have been set up on a base in the sanctuary , its centre akroterion also .
14 The Compass System is set up on a pivot enclosed in a liquid filled ( kerosene ) chamber .
15 It 's just basically set up for a rape scene .
16 Social groups are often deliberately set up for a purpose .
17 ‘ Zoo Check ’ was set up for a number of reasons , here are its six aims :
18 A few months as a registrar in Nottingham , then he would be well set up for a job in the place of his choice .
19 A PROJECT for budding photographers has been set up at a Newton Aycliffe school .
20 During this first period ( up to 1750 ) of relatively slow and uneven growth , trusts were set up at a rate of only eight a year and were concentrated largely around London , radiating especially to the north and west and into the Midlands .
21 On this occasion , Plage was set up over a water-hole in a clearing in the jungle , hoping that a leopard would show up to hunt or drink .
22 This was substituted by a new clause which stated that ‘ parties , mass organisations and mass movements are set up under a procedure established by legislation , and function within the framework of the constitution and law ’ of the republic .
23 They were also set up as a way of avoiding off-site referral .
24 It has been suggested that such provisos are not effective in protecting a landlord from the severity of the law and can not be set up as a defence to the claim that by accepting rent the breach of covenant has been waived .
25 I think that 's what we 're aiming to do now , get things set up as a standard er , operating erm , levels , having done that then we begin
26 Clearly if we tried to apply a legal definition of ownership the asset belongs to Fred , however , unless the business is set up as a company in most countries the law does not recognize the separation of the business assets from those of the owner .
27 LANtastic is a peer-to-peer system and because the memory requirement of LANtastic is low , each computer on the network can be set up as a server and still function as a regular PC .
28 Jake , by contrast , quite independently of his father , who had also made his fortune in the building industry , had set up as a building contractor on his own .
29 In Sweden employers ' associations were set up as a counter-mobilisation to the growing organisational strength and apparent centralisation of the trade union movement .
30 There was a long series of public meetings in 1980 and one of these was set up as a sort of week-end rally to which the anti-nuclear people were invited from all over Ireland , and at a big indoor public meeting during that weekend where you would normally have expected about 400 people to turn up , only about two locals turned up and the rest were all outsiders .
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